Harry Potter Fanatics(:<3
Deathly Hallows<3
Deathly Hallows<314 Years AgoHave any of you seen Deathly Hallows part I? I did, and I personally think it is one of the best movies I have ever seen. Correction, it IS the best movie I've ever seen:D!!
I think it is sad that Dobby died:( Bellatrix is cruel! ---The book is really good too!!! I'm on chapter nineteen:D <3<# What's your opinion!! And Rupert Grint [Ron Weasley] is so hott!!! He's amazing! He's so tall and muscular now(:!! I <3 Rupert!! |
Re: Deathly Hallows<314 Years AgoOh my God! The movie was SO AMAZING! Definitely my favorite movie EVER till now! The acting, the REALNESS of it all was just amazing. And it was one of those rare movies that really, and I mean REALLY followed the book!
Emma Watson had a key role, and she played it perfectly. Even Rupert Grint was fantastic. About Harry's look, I'm not too sure. I mean, OKAY we know he's hunting hocruxes and running for his life, but WORN OUT and OLD are two totally different things. He didn't look like a seventeen-year old. But that's the only thing I didn't like. I thought the effects were superb! The snake in Bagshot's house was terrific. I saw the movie twice, and have read the book (about 10 times), and it still scared the daylights out of me BOTH times. I'm dying to see the second part. Sigh... what would this world be without J.K.Rowling? |
Re: Deathly Hallows<314 Years AgoI think Daniel only looks older in the movie because he's twenty and didn't shave. But Emma and Rupert both look their age perfectly!! I have seen the movie three times :D! It is amazing!!! Rupert looks so hot in it!!! His muscles are amazing when he's shirtless when they escape the ministry because he got splinched! I'm reading Deathly Hallows right now, I read about 200 of the pages in one day! I'm a true Harry Potter fanatic!:D
Re: Deathly Hallows<314 Years AgoAnyone else cry at the end?:'/
Re: Deathly Hallows<314 Years AgoThe book ending or movie?
Book yes!!!!!!!! But in a few years their will be more but not under Harry's P.O.V.
Movie no! I got excited at the cliffhanger!