From Here To Eternity
How do you gain inspiration?
How do you gain inspiration?15 Years Ago A topic to those who may have a trouble having inspiration and keeping it which is something all writers, both experienced and novice have trouble with. How do you, yourself, gain inspiration?
I gain inspiration from various methods, mainly from things I watch. I gain inspiration from doing some of the most simplistic of things: thinking and molding over thoughts in my head, going for walks at night, star gazing, looking around the park, watching movies, reading books, brainstorming, watching anime, playing video games, along with my natural ability for creativity. They all play a key role in the inspiration. Usually when I write something I get writer's block when it seems like I'm stuck on a word and I can't move on without sounding like nonsense. To get past writer's block, there is several articles on the interweb that if you simply searched, you would find ways to get over this condition. Other times, my mind just draws blank. So I take a hot bath or eat a fruit. Something that relaxes you because it is usually a sign of stress. How do you gain inspiration? |
[no subject]15 Years Agoto put it simply, music. There is, at least for me, nothing better than having some music in the background while I write. It gets my creativity flowing and if I'm at a action part of my story I can get a song that I think would fit there and it makes the scene just pop into my head. I always try to picture my scenes as a movie scene. I'll have music that I would put there and then I describe what is happening like what you would see in a movie.