Free Writers Asylum : Forum : twitter vs facebook

twitter vs facebook

15 Years Ago

I am starting a discussion! Chose your side and then make your argument! The choices are.....  (drumroll please) TWITTER VERSUS FACEBOOK!!!!   ok now start!
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15 Years Ago

i don't necessarily like either of em. if you wanna talk to people, go outside : D. Ofcourse, int he general sense i mean if you wanna join something just to meet people, go to the mall or somethin.

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15 Years Ago

good point, some people dont like either, some like both, personaly i like both

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15 Years Ago!!!! They both suck.


^.^ Sorry. Was that one allowed?

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15 Years Ago

Ew. Myspace. Am I in the past again?

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15 Years Ago

Dude! Pick up the phone and call somebody! Go for a walk! Go to the mall! Or to parties! That's how you meet people.