Finding Truth : Forum


14 Years Ago

I have to agree with you..Eclipse was halarious! so a soap opera, you know?

"Bella, don't go with him! He's dangerous!"
"It's okay Edward, Jacob wont hurt me!" dramatic head toss*

best line in the movie:
Jake: "I kissed bella, (pause), and she broke her hand, (pause), trying to punch me." lmao..


14 Years Ago

every time I've gotten an invite to enter a contest,the contest is limited by one day to enter and submit your entry...most times I get the invite a day or two late...KitKat...can you please make the time limit of your contests just a little bit longer than one day?


14 Years Ago

Neither. I like Vampires, but now you see them everywhere, not just with Meyers horrid creations. What I hate is some takes something and because it is popular everyone runs it in the ground. I do prefer Blade and Underworld as well Interview with a Vampire and Dracula, but at this point I could less about those because I am sick of vamps. It was the same way Dawn of the Dead and zombies. After that remake released a few years back, everyone was big on zombies...zombies everywhere.


14 Years Ago

I wouldn't say IT and Dreamcatcher were closest...Shawshank Redemption and Green Mile were would probably take that spot. If you liked the Dark Tower and Eyes of the The Talisman and Black House, those are written by King and Straub and like many of his works are tied in with The Dark Tower. Some other direct ties include Rose Madder, Hearts in Atlantis, Lisey's Story, 'Salem's Lot, It, The Stand, From a Buick 8, and Insomnia. All good reads. Still trying to figure out if Duma Key is linked or not...good book, though. Nice and creepy.

What do you write? read?

14 Years Ago

Hmm, I'll read just about anything that's really interesting. It could make me laugh, make me cry, make me intrigued on the subject be it fiction or nonfiction. In writing books though I tend to shy away from nonfiction and go more into Fantasy or Romance. I hardly ever combine the two, I don't know why though. I've recently tried poetry and I've gotten good feedback, but I wouldn't go so far as to call myself a poet. 


14 Years Ago

I guess I'm somewhere in the middle also. It all depends on the piece I'm writing, the last book I read, the mood I'm in. I don't know, many factors come into play. 

Although, usually I go for the more quick style to just get my ideas out there before I forget or just to get some structure, kind of like a skeleton. I usually come back later and add more words or description rather than cutting it out like most people. If a big, flowery word comes to mind when writing of course I'll put it in. 

I try not to adhere to a certain style, I just do whatever feels right at the moment. If I feel it's too dry or needs something I'll go back and add it. 

Re: Roll Call

14 Years Ago

Present : D


14 Years Ago

Darkness loses way
Open thy blue eyes to see
The endless daylight

10 ways to destroy computer

14 Years Ago

dora the murder 2

14 Years Ago


14 Years Ago

i totally agree so what if theredifferent they still deserv the right to marridg

Contest changed.

14 Years Ago

I'll see to it soon. I've changed the contest a bit. See if you can submit now.

frankly i guess you have more volunteers than you need

14 Years Ago

so just remove Me if youre gonna play "race to the finish",,ty

What's in a title

14 Years Ago

For me a title is a very personal thing. The title should intrigue, with a hint of what is enclosed within this book. I I need the title to resonate with me. It needs to bring an emotional response. That having been said, I find that the titles tend to pick themselves for me anyway. My novel's title, Parallel, presented itself to me one day, and then introduced me to each chapter title one by one.

Chris K
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An Intorduction

14 Years Ago

 I myself am an Odinist who incorporates Wicca into my practice, I've been writing for two years now, mostly poetry and some Metal lyrics, I'm a Juggalo. Plenty of random facts that I'm more than willing to tell you if you ask. :-)


14 Years Ago

Well yes, I'm honest... So are you guys, especially the pedophile troll guy up there


14 Years Ago

I love haikus a lot. They're short and yet express much more than a large poem.. :)

Your fav Blink member?

14 Years Ago

Mine is Tom DeLonge :]


Nice sestet.

14 Years Ago

A well constructed sestet. The theme is very different from normal poems I've read and that's what I liked most.

Sort of

14 Years Ago

The "novel" if you can call what I'm trying to write that, is just going to be short chapters with the narrator switching so it's kind of different than the standard book I guess.