Finding Truth : Forum


14 Years Ago

I hate how poetry is overshadowed by the other types of writing.

My example of a Yenga poem ...

14 Years Ago

My Example of a Yenga poem can be found here: Recess


14 Years Ago

I know, if people want to write twilight crap, go to and disgrace their twilight page, not our site, where people are actually trying to get somewhere with their writing! I do get really tired of books with repeated plots and characters, like vampires, perfect boys, and just flustered writing. But hey, that's why we're here, right, to help out! :)
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14 Years Ago

thanks for the invite. I am looking forward to sharing on here and hopefully getting to know you and the other writers better.

Linked stories..

14 Years Ago

I'm up for it - give me starters!!!

My Writing

14 Years Ago

Same with me. I hate when people just say it's ok or good and nothing else. It's annoying. I actually think my stuff sucks. I heard my brother read it aloud and it sounds really immature and stupid. Let me know what you think. Good or bad. thx :)

Reply to the Thread

14 Years Ago

If you have an idea to start us out with reply to the thread.

Feeling Unloveable

14 Years Ago

Very true!

'Till Death Do Us Part?

14 Years Ago

Where do I start? Till death do us part?   I wonder if that means anything to anyone anymore? Perhaps it does upon some distant shore....   Till death do us part? Those words have broken my heart.   I wonder does he love me? Does he feel the same? Is this just another pitiful game?   I wander Yet my heart has not cheated Longing for love desire to be needed   Lord forgive me for turning away I never meant to intentionatley stray   My body longs for what he will not give I can't go without for as long as I live   Till death do us part? God help me where do I start?


14 Years Ago

Welcome to the group, Jamie! Glad to see you here! I'm hoping this group will help inspire all of us to be better writers for children.

Glad to see another graduate. When did you receive your diploma?


14 Years Ago

Hi, Marie, and welcome to the group!


14 Years Ago

I'm glad you like my attitude. Was it to your liking?

Re: Thoughts on Writing

14 Years Ago

My thoughts exactly. I couldn't have said it any better myself.

In response

14 Years Ago

I don't understand the relevance. Have these been published by Barefoot? Are you wanting them to be published? They don't seem particulary like children's poems. I'm somewhat confused.

what i think

14 Years Ago

i'm all for it! it is wrong to be against it, they are people too and who are we to say that certain people have more rights than others. it is unconstitutional to say the least and i think our government should suck it up and truly make it a free country. :)


14 Years Ago

  I know that poems aren't true literature, but I must say that it's a form of writing for those of us whom can't get out of our shells and express ourselves (This goes for me mostly).  Poetry simply is art, nothing more nothing less, a free form of emotional bursts bled out on sheets of paper and in this case, a white box on an LCD screen.  I will do my best to get back into writing stories, years ago I was writing a book gave it to a friend who was going over the grammatical, long story short he took it and I never got it back.  Stories are a sour part of the arts I gave up, will try to get something on here for you :) anyway, good luck with all your doing.

well actually

14 Years Ago

a were wolf cannot choose wen to change form, so (and i cannot believe i am about to say this) Meyers was kind of right... i hate twilight saga as much as you. but in truth they are not werewolves, they are actually shape-shifters. or some kind of Lycan (since they can choose when to take there own form)
they are some kind of screwed up knock-off of a classic monster, from the mind of Meyers.
 P.S. my favorite plot hole is the fact that none of the vampires go crazy during Bella's TOTM (time of the month)
if a paper cut makes everyone go crazy, than that should make even Carlyle s**t bricks crazy

Twlight plot

14 Years Ago

For me I like twlight and its whole plot with the idea  of a vampire falling in love with a human almost like ((for thoes who watch Buffy the vampire slayer)) Angel  falling in love with Buffy almost same concept except  Twlight is more modern more up to date as for the books i Read all the series but its like for me only one time reads, same as the movies and they did change the movies from the books and i give the movies a 3 stars out of 5 didnt do it for me although i do like how Jacob looked in eclipse lol :)   Lexi

very true

14 Years Ago

If you can't be happy, at least try an mock situations, or even better, inanimate objects. makes ya look a bit crazy, but it's good for some laughter.


Name Changing? Really? It's 2010.

14 Years Ago

Hi, I'm Victoria Rachel (or Viki Rachel), and I'm a young feminist, going strong for two years now.   When I was a little girl (like, when I was 5, 6, 7, and so on and so forth), I wanted to change my last name to every little boy who I thought had "stolen my heart".   Why?   My mother did, my aunts did, my grandma did (but, she grew up in a time where that was practically non-negotionable. You just had to do it), and the media really includes it in every show or movie. Nobody really seems to take notice, but I do.   Why should WE (the most beautiful, of course, and wise of the two genders) have to change our last name? We bring them into the world, and nurture them, so why are WE changing for them? Why can't they change their last name?   Mr & Mrs. Smith.   There's a famous movie, and it's a common thing to hear almost every day.   What makes them so special and us so lowly that we change our last names? It's disrespectful, to me, for us to change such a big part of us (because it's one thing that doesn't change from our birth, unless we want it to) to change our last names for people (no matter HOW much we love them)  that wouldn't return the favor.   Why not BOTH change your last names to Smith-McAllister? And he takes on the Smith?   That's just rants of a young feminist.