Finding Truth : Forum : What truths have you discovere..

What truths have you discovered recently?

12 Years Ago

Re: What truths have you discovered recently?

12 Years Ago

Recently I discovered that a majority of Americans shroud themselves in lies. They take comfort in rhetoric so that they do not have to face the terrifying truth. The truth is that you cannot blame politicians, or the media, or illegal immigrants, or welfare, or skin color, or gender, or sexual orientation...the terrifying truth is that you are responsible. I am responsible. We all are responsible for homelessness, and poverty, and hatred, and hunger, and racism. Every one of us. Tear away the shroud of denial. Stop pointing your finger. Change begins with you. Do not be afraid.

Re: What truths have you discovered recently?

12 Years Ago

I recently discovered that genetics will determine our happiness in this life. Fear can make us jump before we are ready. Decisions made in fear will have repercussions perhaps for the rest of your life. I think that fear is genetic. Fearless people have little or no fear genes therefore they will have a much better life. Therefore genetics will determine our happiness in this life. Throw caution to the wind for it is a genetic anomaly.

Re: What truths have you discovered recently?

11 Years Ago

since i don't like to lie, i am honest when i tell you ... i discovered many truths, however, not recently
to be completely honest, i am not sure if the truths i ever discovered were truths bent to my taste, matched my point of view, or were they truths that are such universally(?)

dunno ... but because of the above i don't really look for or wanting to find the truth anymore

i admit, i approach most things in life philosophically or if nothing else i like to look at it from many angles

nonetheless, i am vying to find out the truth