Finding Truth : Forum : ancient as authentic

ancient as authentic

17 Years Ago

christianity requires literal belief of the bible, forcing christians to explain biblical phenomena as history. advances in archeology, geology, sociology, and phsychology are increasingly illuminating the inadequacy of primitive science and it's affects on the beliefs of the age.

christians are presented with increasing contradictions that their restrictive views cannot explain. there are a finite number of interpretations of the doctrine, leaving it unable to cope with the growing complexity of our world.

such is the plight of all anciently authenticated religions. as the religious masses begin to hit these walls and consequently shift away from the tenants of such religions, fundamental radicalism becomes their only refuge.

we are currently in this cycle. the question is: what's the next step?

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

ITs a game of truth or dare, and people consciously knowing the rules of the game, are always quick to resort to request the challenge of a truth. Because they know if they choose the challenge of a dare, they will be forced to face an extreme offset of logical actions. They are taken out of their comfort zone, hence the principal agenda of the game. I make the statement that 'people are quick to resort to request the challenge of a truth�, based on my personal preference and experience playing. Although, I have witnessed the vice versa of the same concept.

I talk about the game, truth or dare...solely as a metaphor for the next step. If once you consciously admit to claiming yourself as a truth rather then dare kind of person, then I�m sure your most like the people in this forum/group. It�s not the most perfect metaphor, but think about the terms truth and dare. Does one dare believe with a faith that they will be able to achieve and meet the challenge of a dare/religion, without knowing concretely what that is? Or does one dare to play the game with there own truth? Christians and the rest of the religious masses, dared to believe in ancient biblical phenomena. As Allen focused her opinion on the increasing contradictions in the hypocrisy of structured religion, I further imply that playing the game with your own truth is the best option. I didn�t mean not to answer your question, as to what is the next step, I just had a thought and went with it. My next step personally, now that I have decided to find my own truth. Is to do exactly that, through education, experience, and to compare/contrast my own reality(mental dreams and perspective) to the always challenging physical world of cause and effect, I hope to find myself in the next step or phase of being. I personally take challenge in being able to manipulate and consciously construct my dreams. I use to lie down and wake up, sometimes I would remember my dreams, sometimes I wouldn�t. But one monotonous factor was that I never went into my dreams with control. I was at the mercy of a nightmare or I was teased by a fantasy. Honestly I tend to lean and favor towards the fantasy subject content. I would love to conquer this so called step in my own personal development.