Finding Truth : Forum : My Truth.

My Truth.

17 Years Ago

Okay, Free Will vs. Determinism has always cracked my mind, especially when my mind is a little cracked already.

So after many years of thought, this is my truth;

I'm a big fan of George Orwell, and in his book, 1984, he talks about the concept of doublethink. Now, he expresses it as an evil, negative type of process, but I think it can be used in a positive way.

It is important for humans to believe they have Free Will. And there is evidence to back it up, but also a lot of evidence to refute this claim.

But, in certain instances, it is possible to accept that Free Will is a delusion. It is a trick that we learn to play and make believe, but has no basis in reality.

This is what I believe is truth. That Free Will is and illusion. But a necessary illusion.

A human mind needs to believe in Free Will, otherwise we become confused and paralyzed by inaction - i.e. Hamlet. So, despite continual evidence to the contrary, we keep on believing we can change, decide what ice-cream we want, be better people, get out of bed, improve ourselves etc.

But with doublethink, you can walk the tightrope. Accepting that Free Will is an illusion, as all choices are determined by so many, extensive, elaborate factors that we can't possibly take responsibility for any, even the most minor decision, however, at the same time, we must also believe 'we make' these choices.

It is the only way to keep balance. The external reality equals and cancels out the internal reality. Ying and Yang. We get confused, only when one reality doesn't equal the other.

Most people, to function, believe in Free Will. And so, believe this, like all truth, Free Will is just the construct of knowledge that is most functional for a certain time and place.

Some day, if we start to feel more secure, we may be able to deal with the greater truth, that everything is determined and we are mere puppets.

But I'm not sure if I am ready for that now, but I am patient enough to wait until I, and enough other people are able to handle a greater truth.

Function does hold a greater imperative than truth.

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

First of all, I believe it's all an illusion. Everything up to the concept of belief itself. It's also all perception. I personally hold on to few truths tightly. Most concepts are loosely held until something that makes a lot more sense comes along.
Second, I think a lot of it has to do with believing in god - or - believing we are a chemical process. Just thinking about it makes me nautious. I guess that's why they say ignorance is bliss. trying to understand the full extent of the universe is confusing. the end of? is there an end? or is it all in our head, to which I say Damnit, I don't want to ever lose a grip on my personal reality. Just imagine "waking up" from life to a drastic change in phsical laws, where we live in many more dimensions and yadda yada, it's an obnoxious subjectto think about.

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

Damnit, I wish i wasn't high. this stupid thing is going to be on my mind all night, what if i'm just an offspring of someone else's mind, a part of subconcious created to serve a certain purpose in the chemical process of someones brain, somethings brain.
what if someone's brain tells them everything they see that is black to me, is actually black to them, but they have learned that color as black. that could make morning/night people. it'd be beyond eye transpants. we'd have to do brain transplants...i suppose we'll wait until the future. I sure as hell hope we find a solution, after all we are the new generation that has to solve or die. ugh i hate thinking sometimes.