Fantasy Writers Club : Forum : Helow every one!

Hello every one!

16 Years Ago

Hi, my name is Sara, and almost all of the stories I wright are Fiction and fantasy. I warn you now, my spelling and grammar is awful! So I apologize in advance ^^

My newest story is called "Nore", Its got wolves from another planet and crazy people in it ^^ Ive uploaded the first few chapters to that story already.

The next ones I need to upload still

My best stories is in two books. There about a Dire wolf who must fulfill an ancient prophecy The fist book is called "Blood Red", Its more in the Fiction category and the second book doesn't have a title yet ^^

And then there's D.N.A. Twist, its more in the fiction/fantasy/horror section ^^

Its about genetic mutations and experiments on human test subjects, the only problem is that when you mix a lion with a human there not going to behave to well.

Well, those are my main stories. Now I just need to upload and finish them ^^

Well, thats every thing I can think to wright about at the moment so see ya!