Fantasy Novelist Anonymous : Forum : WELCOME! INTRODUCE YOURSELVES!


17 Years Ago

Welcome! Members

I've joined a couple groups but I didn't get a sense of involvement in one another's work, so I created this group.

Please feel free to introduce yourselves answer the following questions and we'll know a lot more about you.
4.writing experience?
5.write as a hobby or professionally?
6. Novels written? Published?

A bit about me:

3.Baltimore, MD
4.5 years
6. 1 novel written/none published ::biggrin:: ::biggrin:: ::biggrin:: ::biggrin:: ::tongue::
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[no subject]

17 Years Ago

2. 16
3. Eau Claire/WI
4. School and at home
5. Someday it will be professionally, but for now it's a hobby.
6. Working on one, hopefully it'll get published.

Also, aloha everyone!

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

1. Shameka
2. 25 yrs.
3. Bayside, Texas
4. 5 years
5. Hope to be professional someday
6. One novel written, but destroyed in a fire. Working on my second.

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

a novel destroyed in a fire ::cry::

I lost a few chapters here and there, but now i keep a back up of my files on a disc inside of a fire resistant safe box. You should do the same. I back my novel up, the first of every month

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

Yeah, I back up my work too. Actually, although the fire sucked at the time, and I lost everything I owned, my writing then does not compare in the slightest to my writing now, so I have no regrets. It did take a few years to mourn the loss, though. And just a few days ago I started rewriting that book, and so far, my first chapter is fantastic. I'll be posting it for the group soon.

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

Hello Group!

1. Well the name's Victor
2.I am 22
3.I live in Houston Texas
4.why yes I love to write
5.I write as a hobby and I'm going to school so I might someday make a living of this passion! But no, this young man has not published anything.
6. I guess I've allready answered this. I'm working on a huge "practice" novel I'm calling The Seed of Existence. I may use it to hold my papers down on my desk or something. ::biggrin::

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

1. Chas
2. 16
3. Hornbeck, La
4. not even a year
5. i'm too young to make a profession of it but thats the plan when i get through school
6. in the process of several novels, (is that healthy?)

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

1. Tim
2. 17
3. Albany, NY
4. I've written some little things, but nothing big yet.
5. I write as a hobby, my career is more technologically inclined.
6. I am in the midst of writing my first novel, I have already started another, but I didn't like it so I threw it out.

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

1. Sarah S.
4. I have really always written, but now am just beginning to get serious
5. Writing as a serious hobby for now, but hopefully professionally in the future
6. One novel written, a second in the process, neither published

Fantasy is my genre of choice :)