Fanfiction Authors Anonymous (ffaa) : Forum : Hello!


16 Years Ago

I joined this group quite a while ago, but I've been paranoid as to whether or not anyone would actually like my fanfiction. It's Naruto fanfiction, and I know a lot of people can't stand that show. I didn't want to be ridiculed, but I decided 'nothing ventured, nothing gained'. so I'm going post my story. I hope to get some positive feedback, because I work very hard on my fanfiction.

By the way, the group rocks. There are some very talented writers here, with great stories. Too bad it was all lost a while ago. Anyway, thanks. Chat later!

Rogue Daffodil

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Welcome to the group! Please submit your fanfiction. ^_^ I enjoy the occasional Naruto fanfic!