FBS (Fantasy Book Society) : Forum : Hello new members.

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Hello new members.

14 Years Ago

I will be here to greet all of you, please post something about yourself.
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Re: Hello new members.

14 Years Ago

Hello,  my name is Tanece. But you may call me Sweetpea. Well, I love to write and I have been writing since I was in the 5th grade. My first book was actually a Sonic the Hedgehog fan-fiction, but since then, everything has been my own ideas. I am currently working on a novel and it is going very well. It is called Lotus and I may post a bit of it on Writerscafe, but I don't know.   I am currently a freshman in high school, and I am loving it. Next year, I hope to learn guitar. I can also draw, sing and I love to listen to music. If you want to know more, feel free to message me.
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Re: Hello new members.

14 Years Ago

Hi, I'm new to the website,and your group. I will enter my novel, The Sea Within, which takes place in Turkey.
I have been living in Istanbul ever since I ran away from home when I was finished with college. I feel really old here..but I keep telling myself that it is the writing that counts...doesn't it...

I love the Lloyd Alexander series, The High King, and of course Earthsea and LOTR (I've read LOTR like 30 times). I tried to keep Alexander in mind while writing my books for their simplicity and characterizations.

I am looking forward to reading everyone's work.
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Re: Hello new members.

14 Years Ago

Hi I'm Darruesh. The reason I have this name is because a friend of mine made me play D&D with him, and this was the name I gave my first character. I know what a nerd, but he was soooo beasty lol. I'm 19. I'm trying to become a better writer. I'm currently writing a book called Psionic. I enetered it into your contest, and its showing promise. I'm a gamer, a basketball player, and a martial artist. I work to pay for college, and thats pretty much me. My little brother actually got me into writing, and being on this site. He is pretty good, but dont let him know I said that hahaha.
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Re: Hello new members.

14 Years Ago

Hello, I'm Corey and I love sleeping, and writing too of course. I started writing seriously... somewhat... about a year ago and I have a completed novel manuscript that I'm editing, and have just started a fantasy piece a month or so ago. Senior in high school, college bound, really flowery writing for a guy (or so I've been told). Pretty much sums me up. Good at writing fantasy, but I need to tone my diction down a bit. My teachers are getting tired of reading 6 page and up essays u.u
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Re: Hello new members.

14 Years Ago

Hello :),
I'm Nickle. I love to read and write. I love camping and snowboarding too. Fantasy is my favorite genre and i'm rlly glad that u made this group. I'm rlly excited to read people's work and vice versa :).
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Re: Hello new members.

14 Years Ago

Hi there! My name is Amy McBay. I'm a mother of two and a wife to a wonderful hubby! I LOVE to read! I just got the kindle from my husband becuase he is tired of moving all of my books when we move. I was in the Air Force for 4 years and then got out to take care of my kids. My husband is still in the USAF and we are currently stationed at Dyess AFB in Abilene TX. I'm originaly from a small town in Oklahoma. I take onlie courses through the Art Institute for graphic arts. I'm a very imaginative person and most people are shocked when I described the type of dreams I have. I try and write them down for future content in my book or future books I may start. I'm a very easy going person but I'm not afraid to give my honest opinion. I love animals and have 2 adopted dogs, Max and Jasper. I'm working hard to try and finish this book and see if I have what it takes to be published. Reviews are much needed. I try to get my family to help me with reviews but all I get is "It's great. Write more!" I look forward to reading other writers books and hope to make a few friends here!
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Re: Hello new members.

14 Years Ago

I'm Randall Lee, and I've been working on a few fantast book projects. i ahve to admit that one is a D&D based book, because I am a nerd. One of them is my ever going attempt to make a new monster. I feel that monsters reflect fears that people have in the world.  So a monster at the moment is so hard to peg because theres no real fear in the social mainstream that I can play with.  Another book that i'm writing is a set of accounts of a nomad pagan who left Europe to escape the witch trials.
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Re: Hello new members.

14 Years Ago

Call me Jack, even though I'm a girl. I'm seventeen, a junior, and I enjoy fantasy. It is the only genre were anything goes, anything is beleived, and anything is possible.
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Re: Hello new members.

14 Years Ago

I am The Lonestar...real name pending.

Originally from Texas (most recently Abilene...how's that for coincidence, Amy? :) ), I currently live in Connecticut. My day job is IT Development.

I have completed one novel, titled Dragonfaerie, which is due to be released (tentatively) Christmas '10 by Reliquary Press.

I'm currently working on a second book in the same series, Emperor of Stone, which takes place immediately after the events that ended Dragonfaerie. The prologue and first few chapters of this book are up, and I'll be submitting the book to the group.

I have a third, exceptionally dark piece called Blood Oath (working title), in which only a prologue and first chapter have been written.

Aside from that, I write in a myriad of genre as well as pen different forms of poetry and lyrics. Feel free to check out my profile and see if there is something you like.

I'll be seeing you!
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Re: Hello new members.

14 Years Ago

Hello everyone. I am new to this website as well as writing in general. I only started to write seriously about a year ago. I just finished my first novel and am currently submitting to agents. I have recently started writing on the sequel. All in all, I'd have to say that I am extremely glad that I even starting writing at all. It has been such a great experience so far, and it's nice to finally put those ideas that have been floating through my brain for years to paper at last. My imagination has been set free, and it's so good to be able to reveal my true self. Fantasy is my passion, and I have to admit that I have a thing for dragons. They make me warm and tingly inside. ;)
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Re: Hello new members.

14 Years Ago

I am Lizzy. Originally from Louisiana and still living there. I love to sing, dance, and write books. I love to write Fantasy stories because you can express your thoughts and feelings into a character that can be a Fairy, Werewolf, etc. My favorite sport is Dancing. My favorite song would have to be between Shawty Got Moves &Like a G6. Shawty Got Moves is by Get Cool & Like a G6 is by Far East Movement. My favorite colors are any shade of bluepink, and green. I have 1 brother and 1 sister. I am the middle child with my older sister and my younger brother. I am 14 years old and my birthday is July 3rd. I really like this guy named Garrett, we might start going out soon. He is 14 years old and is 2 months older than me. I am 5" 3 1/2' but, I am very short for my age. Mostly all my friends are like 5" 5' or taller. I am taller than some people but, those people are just shorties. I have my best friend, Kayla, and she  is 5" 1'. I have a thing for fantasy animals and creatures but, I like to base them off of my normal life people. I have been writing stories since I could write, which would be 5 years old. I am a freshman this year of school and I am very happy with being there with all of the new friends I made. I left all my really good friends at my old school and they are all going to a public school. You might think I am rich but, I am actually not. We are so tight on money right now, it's not even funny.  I am writing a book called Mystic Gamble, you can read it if you want to. :)
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Re: Hello new members.

14 Years Ago

Hey I'm Laura I love to write and love fantasy romance books. I'm dyslexic so my spelling isn't always right. I'm thirteen.  
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Re: Hello new members.

13 Years Ago

Hello all! My name is Thaddeus, or Thad for short, and I am a new member here at the cafe. I am 22 and a writer of Fantasy Literature. I tend to have this kind of bog down problem, so I thought that if I got with a community, maybe that would force me to actually keep up with my writing and not let it get away from me. I live in Louisiana (Crazy, eh Lizzy?), and am working towards my first degree in English. 

Some of my favorite fantasy authors include - Brandon Sanderson, Robert Jordan, and Trudi Canavan, The ones that really got me to start thinking of a fantasy world in my own making though are people like Tolkien of course, but also the romance writers like Blake and Byron. 

I only have the prologue for the first book up right now, though I do have more written. As soon as I get some reviews and comments, I'll get some more uploaded. Once more I am happy to be here, and feel free to ask me any questions at all, about my writings or about me and I will try to answer them to the best of my ability!
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Re: Hello new members.

13 Years Ago

I'm R. Connery Scriven (Yes, it's a pseudonym). Haven't quite gotten a nickname yet. I prefer to stay anonymous when possible, intending to make the reviews of my works as blind as possible.

I've written one fantasy book before my current work, but I'm a bit too embarrassed to post it on here. The one I have available is my work in progress with my co-author...
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Re: Hello new members.

13 Years Ago

Hello people. My second foray into a writing community online. The first did not turn out too well; the other communities tend not to be very encouraging. Let alone active. I'm primarily only going to write short snippets into the lives of the denizens within the world I created, Genoshar. As I do not myself know all the lore and the setting, these snippets are my way of exploring the world. If you all have time, please do read through them - there is no chronological order, and all the stories are titled Realm of Genoshar, followed by a quick title to give a rough idea of what it is concerned with.

I look forward to reading several of the stories here and am personally on chapter 4 of Two Halves(:

Cheers guys.
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Re: Hello new members.

13 Years Ago

Hello everybody, my name is Ken Magee and I'm from Northern Ireland. I have a passion for reading, writing and words in general. I'm new to WritersCafe and this is the first group I've joined - I'm looking forward to some fun.

I have just published my first book, Dark Tidings, and am in the process of writing the sequel. I would love to get some feedback on the chapter I posted to help me make the new book better.

I look forward to reading some of your writing too - it's a great way to learn.
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Re: Hello new members.

12 Years Ago

Hi, I'm not posting my real name due to the fact that I wish to remain anynomous. I'm under 18, but won't tell my age either. (A girl's got to keep up an air of mystery, right?) Anyways just call me by my pen name (CreativeCookie) or my nickname Cookie. I've always loved to make up and tell stories. I don't remember when I started but I do remember when I got serious. It was 5th grade and my teacher told me I was a great writer, so thats when I really got started. I'm working on a book titled Monster and I've posted the first part of the first chapter here on the site. I love to sing, write, read, draw, watch cool movies, and do theatre. I'm a complete Disney nut and know some movies almost word for word (songs included.) thats pretty much it. Love, CreativeCookie  
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Re: Hello new members.

7 Years Ago

I'm Annie, I'm a 27 year old woman and I've been working on my novel for a few months now. I just found this site today, so navigating the site is a bit weird for me, but I hope I make some good friends here!