F.O.O.D. Fantasy's Our Only Desire : Forum : We Need to Know

We Need to Know

14 Years Ago

I have been trying to find a list or library of mythical creatures, and have not been able to find anything that I'd trust as far as I could throw (A real feat, since it's digital). Most of them have either grammatical error, which lowers my trust in anything, original research or research based on parody, or conflicting information.

We as a part of the FOOD have a responsibility to each other, and I guess this is how we'll put it to the test. Besides, we need to DO something here.

Re: We Need to Know

14 Years Ago

What sort of mythical creatures do you refer? There's wide spectrum of mythical creatures thrown out there. Are you talking Greek/Roman or compiling a list?

Re: We Need to Know

14 Years Ago

Is this any useful? I don't know specifically what sort of creatures you were looking for, but I found a list of Olympian Mythical creatures. I didn't check the sources, though from what I read it seemed credible. Let me know if this helps you at all.

Re: We Need to Know

14 Years Ago

That link appears to be dead, which is strange... Let's try that again.