Epic Grim by Xerclipse : Forum : Your favorite character?

Your favorite character?

12 Years Ago

So who is your favorite character in Epic Grim and why? You could write one for your favorite, or you could write two separating good guy and bad guy.

Several readers said that Limbo was interesting so you are not alone if you like him.

Re: Your favorite character?

12 Years Ago

Allen is my favorite character, because I see the most growth so far out of all the characters. Not to mention that his crazy and bad a*s when comes to fighting. All can say is let the craziness continue.

Re: Your favorite character?

12 Years Ago

I'd say mainly it's All. He's epically crazy, and has something about him that just draws you more into the whole story, whether you want to or not, but you truly do want to be drawn in more to it. :)