Drugs And Alcohol
Should weed be legalized?
Should weed be legalized?12 Years AgoHell yea it should! In my opinion, it's not bad. It might mess with ur brain sometimes, but still it makes you feel good, and relaxed, and all that. Good stuff :) it helps ur stress level.
Re: Should weed be legalized?12 Years AgoFor sure. :) We could spend our money on far better things than finding pot farmers. :) All for it.
Re: Should weed be legalized?12 Years AgoIt boils down to the basic belief: Can the Gov't tell you that you can't harm your own body?
I won't say either way. But I believe the risk and harm is greater than the reward. |
Re: Should weed be legalized?12 Years AgoMy social deficiencies and brittle nerves prevent me from entering debates of any kind, heated or not, but seeing as there have been no posts yet on the topic, I'll attempt to get the ball rolling. This is the first and last time I will ever post a non-literature-themed message on this site.
I know there's no such thing as a good drug, but the occasional inhalation of pot has the ability to soothe one's nerves, and frankly, cheer a person up more than any so-called "happy pill" in existence. The biggest knock against it has always been that it makes you lazy and forgetful, but those issues are nowhere near as prevalent in the wake of small doses. Now there are times when one may overdo it, and that's when they fall prey to laziness and forgetfulness, but the small doses often go the opposite way, and can in fact produce a jolt of energy under the proper mindset. And perhaps the most important factor of all is that a person's sense of judgement does not weaken as it does under alcohol's influence. I sincerely believe that a high person can always be counted on to make a more responsible decision than a drunk person. Of course I can only speak for myself, but from my perspective, I see no logic in the accessibility and acceptance of tobacco and alcohol while marijuana carries the stigma. Again, I know there's no such thing as a good drug, and I understand the drawbacks and the concerns of those against it, but if alcohol can be regulated though still accepted in light of how dangerous it is, then surely weed can be regulated too...and accepted. Over and out. |