Purity16 Years AgoHere's a question: When do you sacrifice your craft and story to give the publisheres something they'll put it print? Should you? Even if its only to get your foot in the door?
Please let me know your opinion, and I'll do the same. Nazarea |
[no subject]16 Years Agohonestly i dont think its worth it.....
i mean there are many different publishing companies and if one dosent accept it you should keep on pushing towards your own goals: not there's. Remember that your the writer, and that you should follow your dream. why should you have to bend and re-create your imagination and works for them? Im not really 100% sure how everything works in the publishing industry....but still.....it could really just depend. |
[no subject]16 Years AgoNo. If my story had the chance to be published, there is no way I would completely change it. I don't care if the company thinks it will sell better, it's my ideas. It would feel like I was betraying my characters, lying about what happened to them. Even though the chance of seeing it in print would be so alluring, I wouldn't do it. No way... Summer
[no subject]16 Years AgoI can tell you from experience, that if a publisher asks you to rework your submission, then you should do it. After a year of rejections, I finally made my first pro sale. I had to rework and extend the story to suit their needs. If you're unwilling to do this, then the only other option is to try to find a publisher that likes the story as it is. I know, it sucks to have to compromise when it comes to your work, but if you do want to be a published writer, you may have to bend to the will of the "Literary Beast" A.K.A.- The publishing world. Hope this advice helps.
[no subject]16 Years AgoI think you have to compromise sometimes. And who knows, maybe it will come out better than the original. For me, I am the storyteller, but it helps to have an editor. :) Melissa |
[no subject]16 Years AgoWell Im new at this but I dont think I would want anyone changing my work for me.... now if it was just some needed editing, then I would say yes because Im really bad at editing..lol.
I wouldnt sacrfice my vision though.... its your souls work and some one will want to publish it as is. |
[no subject]16 Years AgoOk, so I promised my thoughts and to be honest, I'm of mixed feelings. I agree that we should attempt to be true to our story, but at the same time, I don't think that I know everything about the world of publishing. I would relish the advice from an experienced editor or publisher. I am of the belief that if after reading my work, they see something that with work, is publishable, I would make some sacrifices. I would change things. Not everything. But some. But thats just me. Nazarea~ |