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Doc Rogers Writes... : Forum : The Chronicles of Ürthe, ..

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The Chronicles of Ürthe, Volume One

16 Years Ago

Hey all!

I am conducting an experiement of sorts. Of sorts because I can't quite figure out how to get these stories to play out correctly. I keep seeing them in short story format rather than long play novels. So... I thought I would run them through this way.

Let me know if you like the format I am choosing. It will be interesting. I have only seen this done once, really. That was with the series "Thieves World" and that was several writers writing with an editor to keep the stories along the same theme. This time it will be just one, me.

I have been trying to work out in my head for quite some time how to lay these stories out. It hasn't been working. But, since I have always thought of these as a 'chronicle' of the life and times within this fantasy world I figured 'hey, why not chronicle instead of novelize?"

Well, here is the link below. Please read the forward then the stories as they play out.

Thanks in advance! I appreciate all of my WC friends and the time you give to my writing. :)

The Chronicles of �rthe, Volume One
A Book by Doc Rogers, waiting for epiphany
