Dear Lovely
Guys are idiots.
[no subject]15 Years AgoWhy is it that guys never tell you how they feel, but they ALWAYS expect girls to tell them how they feel?
[no subject]15 Years Agoya and then if they do tell you how they feel maybe its tru maybe its not. me n my hubby i thought had the most perfect relationship any1 cud dream of.....we didnt even argue for about the first 5years n i thought my prayers were answered. He wud tell me how dedicated he was to me, How im the only 1 he needs in life, how he'd never cheat on me, that he loves me with all his heart...blah blah blah he took my niceness for a weakness n went behind my back to have sex with a young b***h. I really can't recover cuz all the times he told me lies n i was doing everything i cud to make him happy when he betrayed me... the pain never goes away. Now he wishes he never did it and the b***h he did it to called me recently to tell me how she is so hurt becuz he wont have nothing 2do with her anymor n she miss what he did 2 her!I cussed her out. I felt like snuffn this w***e in da face, slicing her up, choking her and catchn a murder charge.Im still angry at him even more cuz he supposed 2b committed 2me....I could of acted on my anger cuz da girl at the time kept asking me to meet her 4 lunch!!! the AUDACITY of this heffa, n i could of acted all nice and then fucked her up 2 make myself feel better but I have 2kids and i dont want to go to jail so i didnt. we been 2gether 10 years n he's a very loving step dad 2 my kids...Now everything is fuckedup cuz he says he's tryn 2 prove himself. Sometimes im happily married ,,,,sometimes im struggling 2b happy.
So, Faith, if a guy does open up to you just remember my story. ur right they act like idiots! I thought my man was different lol. thats y i wrote "ladies peep this" its all about how i got played 4 my good love n loyalty. |
[no subject]15 Years AgoALSO they want u2 tell them how u feel so they can get inside your head without u gettin in theirs.