Dear Lovely
relationships?15 Years AgoIs any1 in the group in a relationshp or out? Im IN but it hasnt been easy 4 ten years.
[no subject]15 Years AgoI have been with my boyfriend more than 6 months, going on our 7th next month. I gotta say its been rough, but thats because we live in different states, but we dont live far, its just been hard. He'll be back here soon.
Relationships are never easy. We make it work each day, some days I wanna kill him, but others I love him. lol. =) |
[no subject]15 Years Agolong dist relationshp. wen me n my hubby wz apart i felt we communicated bettr. he wz lockd up 4 a short time years ago n he really had me feelng good w.all that emotional attn he gave me then.
[no subject]15 Years AgoI've been completely out of a relationship since December 2007. I find it hard to meet guys who are interested in me. So I just keep to myself. I've completely given up on love. |
[no subject]15 Years Agoi hear u tina. i didnt have a bf til i wz 17. i got kicked out of my house by my ma, cuz she wznt happy that my bf is black then i got pregnant. end up havn 2 kids n marryn da wrong1. i wz 4 7yrs then wen we divorce i hook up w.sum1 rite away n been w.him 4 ten years. I wish i wznt first bf. of course im happy w .my kids... the last 10yrs hav been a tru roller coaster 4me i thought this was the best relationship in da world but now ive endured way 2mch pain that i didnt deserve. sometimes i wonder wat it wud of been like if i jst chilld by myself in da past like ur doing. things are good rite now i know he luvs me n hes da only dad mykids kno.but2 b honest 2moro i cud b different. so dnt b surprised if im on here in da future posting about sum foul s**t.
i encourage u 2 keep writing and b urself 4real that is beautiful in itself. sometmes b n w.out sum1 is better than being w.sum1 n hurting. |
[no subject]15 Years AgoWe fight more when we are apart. But when we are together, we never fight. Its werid. But we try you know. |
[no subject]15 Years Agowell then it will b good wen u r 2gethr!
[no subject]15 Years AgoNever been in a relationship. I've had crushes, but they haven't ever gone anywhere. I think I'm scared of trying to actively find a boyfriend or significant other. I've lost so much in my life, I'm terrified of messing a relationship up and losing someone else.
[no subject]15 Years AgoWell , you know my relationship status. Recently single. There are some days that i am doing really good, and then i have some days or even just moments that I miss him and miss the life we had and built together. I even think i have some days that i dont even think of him....well maybe not. But i am getting there, and everyday im getting stronger and better. So all is good:-) Thank you for always listening to me and giving advise to me :-) |
[no subject]15 Years Agour welcome princess i think your doing better everyday sis set bks r 2 b expected. just keep putting 1 foot in front of the other n keep it movn
[no subject]15 Years Agotara i think the best time 2 find sum1 is wen u r nt looking. that how me n my man met.neither 1of us wz looking. i wz on my porch n he wz nextdoor @his sisters house n wejst started noticing eachuther n smiling at day we spoke n hung out n we been 2gether 10 years. no relationship is perfect but mine is worth keeping.i cant believe we never argued the first 5 years straight.
[no subject]15 Years AgoI am not currently in a relationship and at this point in time have no desire to be in one. I like men. I like looking at them, talking to them, hanging out with them, dancing with them, and a whole plethora of other things, but I have come to the conclusion that I do not even want to reside with one. Brief history, married for 6 weeks at 18, divorced. Married 4 months later for 22 years. Divorced. Lived by myself and platonically saw a steady companion for the next 5 years. Still buddies. Hooked up with who I thought was the love of my life for the next 4 and a half years, came home from work about six weeks ago and he moved out. The last one really mangeled the hell out of my heart. It wasn't that he bankrupted me or took so much of the material crap, it was that he protrayed himself as something different in the beginning, and went right back to what his friends and family told me he was before he met me. I feel like a fool, but I won't be a fool again. I know men and women are different. Thank goodness! We would be bored as hell if weren't. There wouldn't have been a need for two genders if we were the same. I am not one of those vindictive women who goes after blood if a guy leaves me, but I have seen him since he left, and half of me wanted to hug him, and the other half wanted to punch him in the face. These are very strange feelings for me. Has you ever experienced feelings so much at opposite ends of the spectrum for another human being? |
[no subject]15 Years AgoI've been in a relationship 7 years. It's been hard but don't know how we made it this far. When we talk about before we got married (culturally, but not legally here in the states), it's always that we never dated. This is when I ask myself, "Why the hell did we get married then?" His reason for being able to mess around with other girls before we got "married" is because we "never dated." And this is the one thing that I haven't been able to let go. Of course, shame on me for being so stupid and naive at that time. So either, it's find a way to get over it or leave the relationship if I can't get over it right? Because I feel I won't ever be able to move on (either with him or on my own) if I never deal with it and just keep putting it in the back of my mind. And yes - we have two kids together so that makes it a bit more difficult when trying to move on without him.
[no subject]15 Years AgoMary u r preachn to the choir!!!! I have been thru similar situation xcept that he dnt hav any excuse for cheating!!! im stil angry hurt etc n it been years! I had the utmost trust 4 him b4 now im constantly wondering wat he's doing and i barely believe wat he tell me! He made it clear he wont leave me. He tell me he wud go to the show tool academy to prove he's dedicated bt it dont matter wat he says the pain will not go away... i tryd bt its like a dark hole im falling down and nothing can stop me. Wateva he do isnt good enuf to heal my heart... so rite nw im strugglin myself.
[no subject]15 Years AgoSo understand what you mean about it being hard for ten years. I have been married for 16 years. Ten of which was like living in hell. There is a funny thing about trust. It comes in different forms. My husband and I trust each other to be committed to staying together no matter what. Once the storm is over, there is comfort in that knowledge. Recently, I realized that our bond now goes beyond that of mates. He is family.