Darkling : Forum : Halloween


12 Years Ago

What's your favorite part about it?

Re: Halloween

12 Years Ago

the candy and the haunted houses that make you really jump and scream.

Re: Halloween

12 Years Ago

The fact that i already dress for it everyday and nobody gives me s**t about it.

Re: Halloween

12 Years Ago

I love Halloween because of many things: it has so much history, the candy, dressing in costumes, and the fear. It's the whole reason why I am into the horror genre, and it is gratifying to see that there is a day that isn't ground in joy for the living. It is a celebration of death and the acceptance of the fear of what lies beyond the living.

Re: Halloween

12 Years Ago

I love haloween because of all the scary movies, and I think it's hilarous my catholic dad wants us to celebrate it, and my babtist mom doesn't. I laugh like hell when they talk about it! We all just watch scary movies at the end of the night.