Dark poets society
What haunts your dreams?
What haunts your dreams?12 Years Agoclowns, hate them!
Re: What haunts your dreams?12 Years AgoMy family dieing or me in extrem pain
Re: What haunts your dreams?12 Years Agoanxiety dreams were my teeth are crumbling
Re: What haunts your dreams?12 Years Ago
Obituaries sing out thousands of unclaimed
or unwanted names. These ghosts of which sink claws and fangs deep into the capillaries of black blooded hellhounds, nodding
back at you with the intensity of every moon ray ever produced for demonic
entities to see by
As if saying yes to the sky. The antihero
has not to worry about what he’s got but who he has and he has you in the kitchen , in the workspace an especially in your
bedroom when he becomes as tangible as
all your teeth falling out in an overwhelming dream. For responsibility is the
word written on his face along with anxiety and they know him well in this fast
epic world of theirs...
Simple and efficient never redundant
always compounding every molecule for mental mutations.
Re: What haunts your dreams?11 Years Agomy past and knowing that ill never escaping it... feeling like im awake as im stuck in my nightmares because everythings so real... reliving every single mistake and bad thing thats happened to me.
Re: What haunts your dreams?11 Years AgoMy ex girlfriend. Because she's moved on and I can't. Probably what I deserve for leaving her though.
Re: What haunts your dreams?11 Years AgoMy pasts and all of the mistakes i can never change, reliving telling my mom i hated her right before she commited suicide or making my grandmother think i didn't love her before she died of cancer, and even spiders, clowns, and needles.
Re: What haunts your dreams?11 Years Agomy old home
Re: What haunts your dreams?11 Years Agowell a good portion of EVERYTHING!
Re: What haunts your dreams?11 Years AgoMy worst fear:
Being alone Left with no one to turn to Everyone around gone That feeling after a funerals done |