Concrete Angels Forum Concrete Angels group...challe..
Concrete Angels group...challenge #6 (links)17 Years AgoConcrete Angels group...challenge #6
July 4, 2007 5:44 AM Hello everyone! Happy 4th of July!!! I hope you each are well and enjoying your holiday. Last week challenge did not seem to take off the ground at all. So to help pick up the morale of this group, I'm suggesting in honor of YOUR independence today, this week you write a poem or short story about what YOUR freedom and what it means to YOU now that you are in control of your life and FREE of the abuse. I look forward to reading each of your works. If you have any questions, PM them to me and I will reply ASAP. Sincerely, Yira Simone (Catrina) P.S. Add your links to this thread and your submissions to the group's library. |
[no subject]17 Years Ago Here is my link for my poem for this week.
[no subject]17 Years AgoHere is my link to my poem as well-
[no subject]17 Years AgoUm here's a poem I just wrote so...yeah heh