Collaboration Gang.
Story Ideas/Concepts: UPDATE
Story Ideas/Concepts: UPDATE8 Years AgoThis is what we're going with, right?: The main character can see whether the person is good or bad by looking at them, and seeks to kill the bad ones. Almost everyone he/she sees is bad. Then for some reason, good people start growing "Angel" traits and become EXTREMELY good, and bad people start growing "Demon" traits and becoming EXTREMELY bad. Some people stay neutral. Our main character is one of the neutral ones, and meets and angel aspect that he/she becomes romantically involved with. The main character continues killing the bad aspects, and starts becoming one his/herself. The angel aspect from before tries to interfere, but our main character cuts off his/her wings. He/she is then horrified with what he/she has done, and... That's all I've gathered. Sound good? Any changes that need to be made? Any ideas for the ending?
Re: Story Ideas/Concepts: UPDATE8 Years AgoSounds awesome to me.
Re: Story Ideas/Concepts: UPDATE8 Years AgoThat is enough outline for a long story already. I don't know how long the story you guys want this one to be however.
Re: Story Ideas/Concepts: UPDATE8 Years AgoSounds like a great outline, but yeah how long do you guys want to make the story?
Re: Story Ideas/Concepts: UPDATE8 Years AgoThe only thing I'd like to add to what Ember Smyth summarized is that the angelic and demonic aspects don't just happen to random people suddenly, but the people's actions cause them to become angelics (doing lots of good) or demonics (doing lots of bad). And like Ember Smyth said, the main character is starting to become a demonic himself (and perhaps the angelic female character he has a love arc with notices this before he does and tries to help, getting de-winged in the process).
Re: Story Ideas/Concepts: UPDATE8 Years AgoI like this concept.
Re: Story Ideas/Concepts: UPDATE8 Years AgoOh, and I forgot, but someone had a cool idea for the angelics and demonics to end up becoming these power light or shadow beings in the extreme. Like maybe they become so dark they're basically dreadful, frightening shadows or so bright they're basically just this warm, comforting light.
Re: Story Ideas/Concepts: UPDATE8 Years AgoSounds epic
Re: Story Ideas/Concepts: UPDATE8 Years AgoThese angels and shadows, do they just end at growing horns or do we throw in any special kind of powers. I've always envisaged paranormal like astral projection, levitation and such. Are the shadows going to be like vampires without the blood. *just asking*
Re: Story Ideas/Concepts: UPDATE8 Years AgoHey, this is just a random idea but how about creating a character with both angel and demon trait? An completely abnormal character that doesn't follow the regular rule of only having angel or demon trait.
Re: Story Ideas/Concepts: UPDATE8 Years AgoI think it totally makes sense that, along with horns, leathery skin, etc that comes with starting to become a demonic, one would also gain "dark" powers. There must be a reason that evil people wish to become more demonic. Likewise for the angelics.
Regarding Eisho Shu's idea about having a character who's abnormal, having both angelic and demonic traits: cool idea! I think it could even be consistent with our rules if, say, the character has multiple personalities. He/she could be like a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde combination. It would even be cool if the Jekyll part is unaware of the existence of the Hyde part, so when the demonic aspects start appearing, he or she is confused. |
Re: Story Ideas/Concepts: UPDATE8 Years Ago I have had an idea that I've been wanting to share. I was thinking that at one time the protagonist becomes so evil that she gets lost in her demonic ways being forced to become a shadow, to be able to control her. But of course it is meant for her to disappear, yet since the angel loves her, he volunteers to serve as her host to survive. The angel must do evil deeds for her survival until he can revert his lover or change her, causing his wings to get clipped. If he fails, not only will the demon disappear but the angel will die as well. This will then create the first angle-demon hybrid having their traits mixed in one body. Good or trash?