Collaboration Gang.
Story Ideas/Concepts
Story Ideas/Concepts8 Years AgoHey guys,
I just thought I'd post this topic here as a place for people to post ideas. Not sure if we're ready to start on this yet, but hopefully Tsubaki Kuro will forgive me for jumping the gun. At this point, I think the more ideas the better. Then maybe the folks devoted to deciding the plot/story will have lots of stuff to work with. This could change but I think the first story we're doing will be a Paranormal / Horror / Little bit Romance story. So...let's have at it. I'll get things started with a few ideas I've had tumbling around for some time... ,.-=`=-.,.-=`=-.,.-=`=-.,.-=`=-.,.-=`=-.,.-=`=-.,.-=`=-.,.-=`=-.,.-=`=-.,.-=`=-.,.-=`=-., Concept Name: Worlds Collide Our world is "coming into phase" with another dimension. People start to have experiences where suddenly they are in another world, just like ours only darker. The people there look like Nosferatu ( and so does the person while he or she in in the world (the events usually last about 20-30 minutes). And likewise, the one who's body they are in ends up in our world, in their body. Somehow, the beings in this "other world" have destroy or exhausted their resources and want to take over our world somehow. The main character(s) could have this experience, then freak out and go see a shrink who notices other, similar cases being reported. ,.-=`=-.,.-=`=-.,.-=`=-.,.-=`=-.,.-=`=-.,.-=`=-.,.-=`=-.,.-=`=-.,.-=`=-.,.-=`=-.,.-=`=-., Concept Name: Darkseer Ever since he was 12, Trevor could see all the bad things others have done - lying, rape, theft, murder - simply by being near them. Seeing these things has, understandably, diminished his faith in people as inherently good. He has no friends, no ties with his family. Eventually, he meets someone who seems so pure she has nothing he can see. This interests him because he's never met someone like that. Either they become friends or fall in love or something. pretty open ended as far the actual story here. ,.-=`=-.,.-=`=-.,.-=`=-.,.-=`=-.,.-=`=-.,.-=`=-.,.-=`=-.,.-=`=-.,.-=`=-.,.-=`=-.,.-=`=-., Concept Name: Aspects of Heaven and Hell Recently people, nicknamed Aspects (or something cool), have begun to show strange traits that are specific to angels or demons. These traits suddenly appear, such as a woman in a subway train crying out as angel's wings burst from her back in the middle of the crowd. The person's virtue determines the degree to which they are transformed. People who are extremely virtuous become more and more like angels in their appearance (they manifest angelic traits) and, vice versa, those who are extremely evil manifest traits of demons (horns, darkened/splotched leathery skin, fangs, slit eyes, etc etc). ,.-=`=-.,.-=`=-.,.-=`=-.,.-=`=-.,.-=`=-.,.-=`=-.,.-=`=-.,.-=`=-.,.-=`=-.,.-=`=-.,.-=`=-., There you go...please post some other concepts ideas. The more the better! This is were we plant the seeds and decide what we'll write! (I think the result probably could combine multiple ideas...and no problem if you throw out all my ideas. They're just here to get the juices flowing.) Takeshi |
Re: Story Ideas/Concepts8 Years AgoMy vote goes to darkseer, there is a lot to do with this concept and it seems very interesting.
Re: Story Ideas/Concepts8 Years AgoI think I'll vote for Aspects of Heaven and Hell.
Re: Story Ideas/Concepts8 Years AgoI'd like to hear a bunch more ideas! :) Let's first hear all the story ideas/concepts people can think up, then once we have a bunch maybe we can all vote or something?
Re: Story Ideas/Concepts8 Years AgoI rather like the Darkseer concept but here's a thought, I feel like that can be combined with the aspects of heaven and hell concept into one story. They both are to do with ideas of good and evil. So the story could be that the protagonist sees people's evil deeds long before this event happens where they start to manifest as physical demonic traits. I guess that would then make the protagonist a kind of prophet in some sense.
I also think it would be fun to set it in a post-apocalyptic/ dystopian world. Just seems like there would be a lot more sins available in a world like that. ;) Maybe the wings and demon horns could be the result of some scientific disaster or nuclear radiation. I've just always thought mechanical wings have this particular thrall to them. |
Re: Story Ideas/Concepts8 Years AgoSo how about in the 'Darkseer' plot, Trevor doesn't just see the sins; he also does something about the sinners. Say, serial-killer type out to render judgment - after all they deserve it. Let's say we make the 'punishments' really explicit and viola...we've got a little recipe for horror :) *just saying*
Re: Story Ideas/Concepts8 Years AgoHere's my idea. I'm not sure what to call it, though. The summary is horribly written, but I just want to get this idea out here. A guy and a girl are in love. The guy has deep rooted problems. The guy kills the girl, making it perfectly look like an accident, leaving no evidence at all behind. ~The story continues in the girl's ghost's perspective~ The it turns out that she was not his first kill, and after that, he makes more "accidents" happen. Each person who dies becomes a ghost, too. No one living knows he is a killer, nor will they ever, unless the ghosts do something. The girl is biased, as she loved (maybe even still does) him, and believes he can still be fixed. Everyone else hates him, and grow tired of her fighting on his side. They exile her from the group. The group finds out that on the eclipse, which will happen in three days, they can repossess their bodies. The group decide to use this power to kill the guy. The girl overhears them. And that's all I got so far... Just wanted to post it before I forgot!
Re: Story Ideas/Concepts8 Years AgoAnother idea: Guy and girl in love, girl can see ghosts but keeps it a secret. Word gets out that someone in the town can see ghosts, but no one knows who. This is a secluded town where anyone that is different in any way is believed to be a demon, and sent to prison to be "reformed", in which they are tortured (usually) to death. The one who didn't die escaped, and that's only been one person, if that tells you how secure the prison is. Anyways, the guy is the leader of the hunt for the ghost-seer. All I got so far.
Re: Story Ideas/Concepts8 Years AgoReally good ideas. I've had one that I've put aside for some time.
In this land people are counted and only the last batch of humans are left. Those who do evil I the world become the shadows of the last humans to deceive their host and gain control of their bodies. Those who do good pass on into the next world after death. So here is a simple man (no name yet) who's shadow is a woman, and this guy was a soft heart for women. So the woman is trying to seduce the man to take over his body. Call her (A Spiritual Wife, Incubus I believe.) the man falls in love with her but he knows what she is trying to do. They start playing games and finally make a pact. One that really ends up with death... I wont give it all away. I wanna see if this is actually written. So.... That's my idea.
Re: Story Ideas/Concepts8 Years AgoI'm really open to anything right now, but yes let's wait to see all of the ideas before choosing.
(I would definitely like there to be at least some blood and gore parts in it though!)
Re: Story Ideas/Concepts8 Years AgoI'm all up for Darkseer, it is similar to what I had in mind. Some ideas looks good but looks likes it might contain too much horror and killing the other genres. If we are doing this, I would like to have a good balance between to four genres we agreed on. Also, I do like the post-apocalyptic idea from scheherazade. Darkseer with post-apocalyptic setting sounds amazing to me.
My original idea when I suggest a paranormal piece is to have our protagonist to be an exorcist. During one job, he screwed up and killed his/her childhood friend. However, that childhood friend is his/her love interest and somehow that person is now hunting our protagonist. This is where our romance and tragedy comes in. The horror and paranormal should will be from his job. |
Re: Story Ideas/Concepts8 Years AgoI like the idea of mixing darkseer and aspects together. That could make for a really interesting story and a wide rang of characters
Re: Story Ideas/Concepts8 Years AgoI also think that mixing Darkseer and Aspects would be a good idea.
Re: Story Ideas/Concepts8 Years AgoOkay, so despite Takeshi's best efforts to undermine his own ideas and elicit further idea submissions, we appear to still be settling on a Darkseer/Aspects combination set in some kind of post-apocalyptic world.
I liked Ember Smyth's idea which related to a strange society that sort of spurns anything different (or something equally strange). This kind of society could only show up in a post-apolocalyptic world where the status quo has lost its hold on the world inhabitants. Just a thought for the world builder group. As Krizito says, our protagonist (Trevor or whatever his name ends up being), is an active dude -- he's fighting or involved in taking "out the trash". He could be a reluctant hero, always trying to avoid it but getting pulled into the danger by dumb luck or fate, or proactive and confrontational to the evil he senses and is, like Eisho Shu said, an exorcist or monster hunter of sorts. It would be fascinating if, the more evil aspects he kills, the more he is becoming like them - sort of a throwback to Nietzche's comment: "He who fights monsters should take care lest he become one himself. For if one gazes long enough into the abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee." It reminds me a bit of Geralt from The Witcher. The romance aspect could be the same as Darkseer, where he encounter someone with literally no evil within her. Perhaps this person saves him, or perhaps he kills her (or almost kills her) in the end (tragedy) because she was obstructing his mission to hunt monsters. Sir Drift's idea about shadows was really cool, but I'm not sure how to work it into this total concept. It's a very strong story-related concept and there's a limit to what can be packed in without the conflicts/stories fighting against each other for attention. Any ideas? I don't know about you guys, but the story arc is starting to sound pretty darn good to me. We should get more feedback and input from the rest of the group who hasn't commented yet. |
Re: Story Ideas/Concepts8 Years AgoI am more of a high fantasy kind of girl. Like perhaps something with a war? Or something with a bit of adventure with some kindling romance? Or...I am thinking about two peeps meeting at a ball or masquerade of some sort and then falling for each other right then and there. Idk I like these concepts but idk if others will...but it's something, so...
Re: Story Ideas/Concepts8 Years AgoYurie Lee that seems like a cool idea. We can use that in a future story. I will be down to write a piece like that in the future with you.
Re: Story Ideas/Concepts8 Years Agowe should just write them all XD lol
Re: Story Ideas/Concepts8 Years AgoI don't know... maybe if there're enough people, we can have two groups working on two different ideas, and somehow a crossover in the end... XD
Re: Story Ideas/Concepts8 Years AgoYurie Lee, I'm very much a high fantasy lover myself and a sucker for those grand masquerade and ball scenes you mentioned. I believe a scene like that can be worked into almost any story with enough skill and finesse and between the whole bunch of us, I believe we could manage it somehow. Also, I think it's important to remember that with a story like the one this looks to be shaping up into, we're building a world and worlds are and should always be enormous which means there can be a million things happening in it, thus making it possible to combine several of the concepts here.
Although, like Takeshi said, we would then have to be careful to avoid cramming in too much and risk losing track of certain plot threads. I also like the shadows concept so here's what I was thinking for a possible darkseer/aspects/ shadows combo: it could be that the aspects and shadows are just different phases of the same problem, sort of how like symptoms of a disease appear gradually and then steadily worsen. So maybe it starts with people manifesting angel or demon like physical traits, the stage after this would be that those demon-look alikes, they carry on doing evil and when they've done enough they become shadows. So it'd be like in some parts of the world you still have the aspects going on while other countries have progressed to the shadows. As for the romance and tragic aspect of it , I quite like Eisho Shu's idea so I was thinking this: our protagonist who can see the sins of people and eventually went on to take the active role of punishing evil, eventually met a girl who is pure and 'sinless' and somehow ended up killing her (haven't thought of how yet). There would be a sense of guilt and self-loathing mixed up in this tragedy as well since he would have destroyed the only 'goodness' he ever saw. |
Re: Story Ideas/Concepts8 Years AgoI like the idea of somehow the darkseer protagonist killing the woman who is an angelic aspect. Perhaps he is slowly becoming a demonic himself as he kills more demonics because true good seeks balance, not to truly destroy evil - see the Nietzche quote from my last post. Perhpas the angelic realizes what is happening to him and tries to stop him, getting in the way and being killed by him. That's some super sad tragedy right there, especially if he truly loved her. It would be a moment for him to start to transform himself. Maybe he doesn't even need to kill her, but instead just maim, scar or severely wound her, like severing her angel wings or something poetic like that.
I like the idea of demonic aspects becoming shadow beings or whatever once they get too evil. Very cool. And likewise, an angelic aspect would become a light being or something. Nice job so far guys...I'm not sure how far we should go with developing the idea, since there's a whole team devoted to plot creation/development, but what does everyone think so far? Are we excited yet? :) |