This group is about improving as a writer and still holding to those truths that Jesus taught us. The world is a dark place. Through effective and well constructed writing, we can let our lights shine in the darkness.
CWG was created to allow like minded writers to come together for encouragement, to give and receive honest appraisal and feedback, for growth as writers, for a creative and constructive outlet for the creative talents that God has given you, to learn from one another, to use the gifts that God has given you, and to glorify God through writing.
Membership is upon approval by the moderator.
Postings in the forum are limited to members only. Postings should be focused on writing, styles of writing, improving as writers, and working towards being published.
Literature submitted to CWG will be added upon approval of the moderator. Literature deemed inappropriate for this group will be denied. Range in literature styles and formats can be as varied as the writers themselves. There should be no limitation or expectations there.
Remember: do unto others as you would have them do unto you. So, no bashing or trashing in reviews or forum threads. Be fair and honest and expect fairness and honesty in return.
Additional group description information may be added as this group continues on.