Character Creation Forum He thinks he's a god...literal..
He thinks he's a god...literally...12 Years AgoKeko literally believes he is the Chosen Reincarnate of this ancient tribal god buuuut it turns out he's not. He's regal but young, commanding and intimidating but very personable, and I have NO idea how he should react when they kick him out of the monastery and send him back home when they decide he's not the Reincarnate (there are like 25 possible Reincarnates). Like he's a kid so should he scream? Or should he be like "you're all wrong!" and pop up continually in the story as trying to prove himself, or should it drive him to tears, or to madness....I just don't know what to do with him.
Re: He thinks he's a god...literally...12 Years AgoWell, what kinda story are you going for?
Because it would be interesting if say he could be like "You will feel my wrath since you have turned me away, I will find new devout followers who will serve me as I should be served." And then he tries to just find other people to worship him like asking randoms to sacrifice in his name and then he can find a group of people who he just tells them to take him as their god but they just thin he's joking and accept him as a friend but he keeps going "If you don't worship me you'll be punished" But he won't leave them because otherwise he's got nothing |
Re: He thinks he's a god...literally...12 Years Agowow i realy really like that...maybe hell be the start of the uprising by claiming that the two chosen ones were falsely chosen.. geniusss