Central Wisconsin Poets And Writers : Forum : When you look beyond the mirro..

When you look beyond the mirror what do you see?

17 Years Ago

As a way of introducing ourselves, let's give a brief bio who we are, where we're from and answer the question in the Title of the thread.  I'll start.


I'm Tina - I was born, raised and currently live in central WI, though I have moved about as many times as I am aged in years - living predominatly in various communities in WI & MN.


I wrote my first poem when I was 9 - it was about lonliness and hinted towards depression. I wrote a lot of poetry - mostly angst ridden - during my teen years and stopped completely when I was married at the age of 19. However, by 25 I had left my husband and taken up the pen as a form of therapy.


In the fashion of many masterful artists, I destroyed much of my work. Recently I found some old journals in storage that contained some of the pieces I hadn't destroyed along the way and I get a big kick out of them because they are soooo bad!  I didn't start keeping all my work until a couple years ago.


When I look in the mirror, I see many faces of stories untold, emotions harbored and dreams wanting to take flight. My purpose in being here, is to help unfold all.


I'm really looking forward to getting to know each of you. Please feel free to send me a message anytime!

