Casually Writing Forum ~BRING OUR TROOPS HOME~
~BRING OUR TROOPS HOME~17 Years AgoMy Son is leaving tomorrow, for Basic Training Camp; He joined the Army last month, a brave and courageous act. ~ I remember as if it were yesterday, giving birth to him, my first Child; I recall the joy within me, when I first saw his beautiful smile. ~ I see clearly in my mind's eye, the memories of his youth; The first trip he took to the Barber's, the time when he lost his first tooth. ~ The countless hours of losing sleep, when he caught the Chicken Pox; The oatmeal baths I drew for him, to make the itching stop. ~ The way his face would always light up, when he hung his Christmas Stocking; The joy I knew that God had provided, with each gift for him 'neath our tree. ~ And every moment of his every day, yes, I remember each one of them; And now he will fight for our Country, if it means his life might soon end. ~ So as you leave for camp, my Son, never forget that I love you so much; And please Lord, bring our boy's home, this War has gone on long enough.