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Corliss Engine Review TRIAD: E..
Corliss Engine Review TRIAD: Efficiency is the Name of the Game11 Years AgoCORLISS
ENGINE REVIEW TRIAD: Efficiency is the Name of the Game
![]() In an industry full of many
players vying for access to the market, TRIAD strives to level
up by focusing on efficiency, efficiency and efficiency. There is no other
objective worth aiming for when user satisfaction is of utmost importance.
TRIAD delivers efficiency in their products as a mark of their commitment to
excellence in performance.
Thus, TRIAD manufactures Modular Hot Water and Steam-Heating
systems that are significantly more efficient than conventional large
boilers. Modular boilers fire up more quickly than conventional systems and, to
boot, with reduced heat loss in order to meet the heat requirement more
effectively. Available choices of equipment include steam boilers, gas boilers,
oil boilers and combination boilers for practically any radiant heating requirement.
Design Elegance and Simplicity in Action
incorporates simplicity and elegance in the design of their products as they
aim to achieve consistent water volume where heat is needed. The operating
process basically involves the following steps:
are activated in sequence, drawing water from the main loop into the next
hot-water boiler until the heating requirement is achieved.
boilers remain isolated; hence, no heated-water is conveyed through cold
a year, unfired boilers provide only occasional backup heated-water supply.
temperatures and loop-water temperatures are constantly monitored.
The efficiency of
this design can only be appreciated and made apparent by comparing with
conventional boilers which would still be operating at full capacity during the
warmer months while TRIAD boilers operate way below that.
in Boiler Design
TRIAD patented
and pioneered a concept in 1967 that integrates modularity by utilizing a
single-pipe primary-secondary system. The system incorporates two loops, (i)
the primary loop, or building main-loop, and (ii) smaller secondary loops coming
from each hot-water boiler, which supply heated-water to the primary loop.
When heat is
required, the pump delivers the return water into the boiler and pushes it out
through the secondary loop, thus, supplying hot water into the primary loop or the
main header where it merges with the cooler return water from the main-building
loop. The advantages of this process include the following:
and return water are mixed, removing the need for costly and undependable
mixing valves often utilized in two-pipe systems.
secondary loop separates each hot-water boiler, producing a very efficient
system that decreases thermal shock.
Simple is
elegant, as the saying goes. TRIAD certainly lives up to this idea when it
comes to delivering efficiency and peak performance. Corliss
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