Boomer Writers
DescriptionWelcome to a new Boomer Focused Journal that aims to fill a needed gap for those of us who might have hit retirement, and feel guilty that we don’t have the same excuses we
once had regarding our sacred duty to write that masterpiece we know we have inside of us or something approaching it. This forum is designed as a sort of test kitchen for those of you may feel a sense of vertigo as you confront the endless hours and blank pages in front of you and would like the benefit of feedback from supportive peers . We are two brothers (Mike and Laurence who authored a highly successful website not so long ago BabyBoom Review) who are interested in building a new kind of online nurturing community. We feel the aim of such a group will be two fold. To get our work out there through a good quality well edited journal (see sample issue below) and to build a community of both writers and readers who can make the task meaningful in ways that beat solo blogging and these days of course tweeting! We are open to all forms– memoir, short story or personal essay. We know there is an audience out there for what we are planning. Did you know 100 boomers turn 60 every minute, somewhere on the planet? We want Boomers Angles to become a home for you. as well as connecting our thoughts, our writing and our actions to, as someone famously said, the “fierce urgency of now” The e-journal below is presented as a token of our seriousness with this endeavor. It should be viewed as a special issue not as the norm which we hope will contain some more personal writing that hopefully can reflect our generational history but not bathe in the inevitable nostalgia. A sample journal focused on the 1960s can be accessed by clicking on the following: |