reviewing13 Years AgoSince the format usually goes wonky when I try to post anything with more than one paragraph in the group forums, I'll give a link to the blog post first, just in case:
If you REALLY want to give a review that helps the author, don't just say "I like it" or tell them that there are some plot inconsistencies but not say what those are. BE SPECIFIC. Give examples. If you like it, tell why; if you don't like it, tell why. And (this should go without saying, but alas, it seems necessary) pay attention to what you're reading. You can't give any kind of useful feedback if you just skim for key words.
Re: reviewing13 Years AgoHm, great point. It does make sense, with all that you said, and not many reviews do those things. It's a common thing to see, and I think as writer, we should be more descriptive at what we think. I mean, if we are writers that should be the easiest thing to do: describe your thoughts. Not so hard, and it's really simple since it's your thoughts.
Wonderful point, Weaver, and hopefully it catches on. |