Blade's Edge : Forum : Sci-Fi writer? Sign on...

Sci-Fi writer? Sign on...

17 Years Ago

Would be cool to get a few writers together to bounce our work off of. Sci-fi, adventure stories (primarily sci-fi). I'm working on a sci-fi/techno/conspiracy novel... reading a couple really good books on writing (ask me, I'l recommend them).

I've been looking for a good site to hang out with some fellow learning writers. Hopefully this group on this site will be it.

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17 Years Ago

Always nice to find a group that is geared to one genre. I haven't written much in the sci fi genre, but I do have one novel finished, and have one that stalled (even though i love the idea, it just won't move forward) and a couple more ideas that are outlined, but haven't found the time to write them! But i'm also working on a new sci fi idea... but i think it's going to be more of a sci fi fantasy novel :D

I do have chapter one of my sci fi novel up here, called Run :D