Beats Of Heart And Soul Forum Hello passer-bys..
Hello passer-bys..16 Years Agowhy don't you stop for a moment.. take a breather.. want to have a discussion? I love discussing various topics.. here is my topic up for discussion .. is being poor in America different, or harder in ways then being poor in other countries? I know we have many opportunities here ... also we have a media that bombards us with 'things' .. we have friends or know people who have cell phones .. computers , new cars.. nice homes.. it is all in front of us and for younger people and children..some cannot understands.. in pooer countries most all are the same other than the government officials many who dine on the finest of food while their people are lucky to have a bowl of rice or bag of meal . my reasoning here may not sound sensible to most.. im just thinking perhaps being poor in another country where all are the same is different than being poor in this country where we have clasees ..What do you think?
Chloe xoxo Love and respect to all... Chloe xoxo |
[no subject]16 Years Ago" They could not understand it though I tried to make them see, that one is only poorer only if they choose to be." Dolly Parton from Coat of Many Colors
[no subject]16 Years AgoI think there is poor... then there is super poor, and those other counties seem to be the super poor ones, sadly. Here we may be poor, but still we might rise up sometimes from it through education, hard work and even the lotto. Whereas in some counties they don't have much at all...
jkb |
[no subject]16 Years Agothe logic is sound as we know that in other countries where poverty is the norm,they don't feel it like we do here in the U.S.A. I have a poem about this I call "Homeless in America"... Homeless in America We travle this world, into the looks of sorrow, LonelySoul |
[no subject]16 Years AgoI say Yes, it is different. While having nothing or very little in America is depressing, basic needs can always be met. If you can't find a home and food in the usa, then your genes should be wiped to improve the species. Nobody should starve in america. That is why we pay taxes. On the other hand, in countries where poverty is the common situation, starvation and sickness and all that evreywhere, no cats dreaming of lasagna or obese comedians, drinkable water, or the idea in a child that there should be, we are animals. There is a government that arrests its people for gathering wood to burn to boil water to live. Without it they die.The people starve and those responsible, who have the power and authority to make changes won't. So, I'll say the poor in the usa are unemployed princes living in the palace, or rats feeding in a dumpster with plenty to go around. The sick rats across the street can't make it this far, so they eat eachother.
[no subject]16 Years AgoOriginally posted by Fabian G. Franklin " They could not understand it though I tried to make them see, that one is only poorer only if they choose to be." Dolly Parton from Coat of Many Colors
Fabian, i love your comment using a song lyric which is true.. i love the song and lady too.. she seems sweet and caring .. perhaps one reason is her upbringing .. i remember seeing her on Oprah i think it was and she was saying that her mom would make ' stone soup'.. using smooth stones or pebbles.. remove them of course be fore eating ..but what a way to make water and salt taste special .. thanks for commenting too! I would love a coat like she describes in the song too .. seems it is made of love. Chloe xoxo |
[no subject]16 Years AgoOriginally posted by James K. Blaylock says: "I'm lost forever, in this sea of flowing words. And never wish, to escape this sweetness." I think there is poor... then there is super poor, and those other counties seem to be the super poor ones, sadly. Here we may be poor, but still we might rise up sometimes from it through education, hard work and even the lotto. Whereas in some counties they don't have much at all...
jkb True James.. seen the movie 'The Pursuit of Happyness", that's how it is spelled on the move with Will Smith? So many troubles and adversities he head to overcome ... soup kitches with his son, no money for lodging .. he overcame all of this and started his own financial company.. good points.. Chloe xoxo |
[no subject]16 Years AgoOriginally posted by Michael A. Calkins I like your poem, i have a special place in my heart for the homeless and have let so many people stay with me when they were ... the logic is sound as we know that in other countries where poverty is the norm,they don't feel it like we do here in the U.S.A. I have a poem about this I call "Homeless in America"... Homeless in America We travle this world, into the looks of sorrow, LonelySoul that's the point i was trying to make.. yes, we are better off poor here but we know the difference as we have classes .. once 3 now i think 2 the rich and the poor, middle-class is dwindling .. Younger people especially are bombarded with media ads ect. They feel less then their friends and many are made fun of .. especially in schools .. in a way i guess school uniforms may help, but i have heard many who do wear them say still they are made fun of for being 'poor'.. in this ear being poor is considered a crime almost .. thanks for your input and poem . Chloe xoxo |
[no subject]16 Years AgoOriginally posted by mattavelli I say Yes, it is different. While having nothing or very little in America is depressing, basic needs can always be met. If you can't find a home and food in the usa, then your genes should be wiped to improve the species. Nobody should starve in america. That is why we pay taxes. On the other hand, in countries where poverty is the common situation, starvation and sickness and all that evreywhere, no cats dreaming of lasagna or obese comedians, drinkable water, or the idea in a child that there should be, we are animals. There is a government that arrests its people for gathering wood to burn to boil water to live. Without it they die.The people starve and those responsible, who have the power and authority to make changes won't. So, I'll say the poor in the usa are unemployed princes living in the palace, or rats feeding in a dumpster with plenty to go around. The sick rats across the street can't make it this far, so they eat eachother. Hi Matt, true all you say.. we are better off being poor here, we just know more about it .. third world countries are either rich or poor, but i was think the middle-class here is slowly dwindling .. yes, we have more opportunities but still many suffer,, thanks for your view and input i really enjoyed trading yours and everyones idea on being poor in America. Chloe xoxo |