Beats Of Heart And Soul Forum Top Writer , Top Writing Gone
Top Writer , Top Writing Gone16 Years AgoHow od you feel about this .. relieved, or upset?
I think we can now feel more equal in ways and concentrate on writing our best.. i do miss that though ... for now.. in time it will be like the other changes.. gor used to them.. one thing, i do feel the Cafe is less close .. and many have left that i miss .. some think of leaving ... i guess all in all it is for the best? Chloe xoxo |
[no subject]16 Years AgoI think it was the worst move Charlie could have made. I don't know who to read. I "always" searched for new writers. We all were once new. This is like affirmative action. They should have a new writer's Top 20, plus the old Top Twenty. I swear I'm lost. I challenge anyone to name me 5 new writers that are heads above the rest. How would you know ? When did competition become a bad thing ? You think the Writer's market is not competitive...that it's not ranked ? I rate a person, and then their gone. I don't know if it was a once in a life time piece, or they are truly good. I hate it. I hate games that don't keep score, and don't tell me writing is non-competitive. Long before Charlie changed this, I know Deni and I were both shouting for new blood. His reaction went way beyond rational. Let me see who reviewers think are talented. Right now, I feel forced to read new writers. I've never heard of any occupation that wasn't rated. I give up. Rain..
[no subject]16 Years AgoOriginally posted by Rain I think it was the worst move Charlie could have made. I don't know who to read. I "always" searched for new writers. We all were once new. This is like affirmative action. They should have a new writer's Top 20, plus the old Top Twenty. I swear I'm lost. I challenge anyone to name me 5 new writers that are heads above the rest. How would you know ? When did competition become a bad thing ? You think the Writer's market is not competitive...that it's not ranked ? I rate a person, and then their gone. I don't know if it was a once in a life time piece, or they are truly good. I hate it. I hate games that don't keep score, and don't tell me writing is non-competitive. Long before Charlie changed this, I know Deni and I were both shouting for new blood. His reaction went way beyond rational. Let me see who reviewers think are talented. Right now, I feel forced to read new writers. I've never heard of any occupation that wasn't rated. I give up. Rain..
I hope you don't give up.. I am sorry to see it gone myself actually.. and now as you say i feel lost.. just like the sub list we lost with the Cafe change before.. competition is good unless we make it ugly ,, i think Charlie thought some of us were.. maybe the little thing i wrote about reviewing and rating and people upset about getting knocked off top writing because of a low score and then the Kiddie Porn on Writers Cafe.. i think we helped do it in .. some are glad .. some are not .. i do feel a bit lost.. and you are right , writers are competitive even if they, we say we are not .. I read those in the group now and some new too ... anyway we will survive. Chloe xoxo |
[no subject]16 Years AgoBack now .. top writing so let's all go for it lol .. see who can make it !
I am kidding ,, to me we are all top writers .. just diferent and maybe not as expierienced as some .. i know i'm not .. i am striving to be .. and someday i will be .. Chloe xoxo |
[no subject]16 Years AgoI know i saw top writing when i signed in it was God said What? I know i saw it .. am i losing it?
Straighjacket time! Chloe xoxo |
[no subject]16 Years AgoHi, I am torn about this. I reallly didn't pay that much attention to it. I was blessed with the top spot once, but honestly, I saw it also as a hindrance... we have some folks here who like to rip apart the writings of others... and they do love to choose the "top writers" to start with... mostly for their own egos, I think. It makes them feel superior in some warped way. Sigh. My feelings are, we are in competition out there in the publishing world. We don't need to be in competition here. Here is a sanctuary of sorts. I can read my friends and they can read me, if they so choose. Top reviewers are celebrated... I like that. Reviewing is a lot of work sometimes. A top writer may or may not be the best writer... they are merely the most read... We can be a tad clickish here. LOL Elaine |
[no subject]16 Years AgoYou are not wrong in your accessment of the top writer. It is really a rough road to travel. I see the issue a little different. I feel someone has to give you the honor of top writer. It is sometimes a thing not wanted but someone thought enough of your work to honor you. As for the hashers of claim. Pardon my French; but "F**K'em". After about a sentence I know what kind of credict they are and just don't read or try to justify my word to them or anyone. Let me say this to you, you have to develope a thick skin to be a good writer and I know you are developing into not just a good writer but a great one. Who cares what some a*****e thinks that has nothing better to do but show his/her ingorence