Beats Of Heart And Soul
What if a book, poem ect. you ..
What if a book, poem ect. you were writing was a real character and ...17 Years Agothis character was someone random you did not know .. but in your writing you were going to kill the character in the end/... somehow this character , who is a real person comes to you and tells you he/she hears your voice in their head narrating the writing and asks for you not to kill him/her in the writing ... this writing is going to make you one of literaries finest.. make you a writing superstar mega-rich.. would you change the ending? |
[no subject]17 Years AgoI wrote a piece called Three to Go (alas, lost to the "Great Delete"), where I killed off the three main characters - it hurt me to do so. So I have to say, that if a real live person showed up at my door, I'd have to find another way for the story to end. I actually love reading horror and suspense, one of my favorite genres, but my pain at killing off characters is most likely why I have trouble writing it!
*hugs* laura |
[no subject]17 Years AgoOh blah. That's solipsism and I don't buy it. If that happened, well, I'd probably just stop writing that book and start on something new. And remind myself to get a new drug dealer.
[no subject]17 Years AgoLara, i did not get to read your story.. :(
Of course we would most likely all change the ending .. thanks for your input.. Chloe xoxo |
[no subject]17 Years AgoJonah, yeah it is just a what if and far far fetched... a new drug dealer could be the answer .. haha
Cheerio then .. carry on .. |