Beats Of Heart And Soul : Forum : What if a book, poem ect. you ..

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What if a book, poem ect. you were writing was a real character and ...

17 Years Ago

this character was someone random you did not know .. but in your writing you were going to kill the character in the end/... somehow this character , who is a real person comes to you and tells you he/she hears your voice in their head narrating the writing and asks for you not to kill him/her in the writing ... this writing is going to make you one of literaries finest.. make you a writing superstar mega-rich.. would you change the ending?

I watched the movie 'Stranger Than Fiction' and this was the plot of the movie..I was wondering your views...

By the way, the movie as very good. Emma Thompson plays the author , a chain smoking , bit crazy, suicidal woman and Will Ferrell plays Harold, an IRS agent... very low key and a
bit ordianry.

Oh, I would change the ending.

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[no subject]

17 Years Ago

I wrote a piece called Three to Go (alas, lost to the "Great Delete"), where I killed off the three main characters - it hurt me to do so.  So I have to say, that if a real live person showed up at my door, I'd have to find another way for the story to end.  I actually love reading horror and suspense, one of my favorite genres, but my pain at killing off characters is most likely why I have trouble writing it!


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[no subject]

17 Years Ago

Oh blah. That's solipsism and I don't buy it. If that happened, well, I'd probably just stop writing that book and start on something new. And remind myself to get a new drug dealer.
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17 Years Ago

Lara, i did not get to read your story.. :(
Of course we would most likely all change the ending .. thanks for your input..

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17 Years Ago

Jonah, yeah it is just a what if and far far fetched... a new drug dealer could be the answer .. haha

Cheerio then .. carry on ..