Beats Of Heart And Soul : Forum : Do you listen to music when yo..

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Do you listen to music when you write?

17 Years Ago

Music always inspires me . If i am writing a poem that is sad i will listen to a sad song ... a political poem I like The  Dead Kennedys music for that ..

Do you write spur of the moment or think a poem though .. work on it for a few days or so?
I do them spur of the moment and that is one reason i lost so many ..wrote them on the site here instead of wordpad or paper... then i would get caught up reading and never go back and paste it to wordpad.
Lesson well learned!
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17 Years Ago

i am always listening to music... while driving, while at work, and so on... i dont listen to one particular thing while i am writing though...


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[no subject]

17 Years Ago

Originally posted by Chloe.. don't give up on me.. see you all soon .. shine on! xoxo

Music always inspires me . If i am writing a poem that is sad i will listen to a sad song ... a political poem I like The  Dead Kennedys music for that ..

Do you write spur of the moment or think a poem though .. work on it for a few days or so?
I do them spur of the moment and that is one reason i lost so many ..wrote them on the site here instead of wordpad or paper... then i would get caught up reading and never go back and paste it to wordpad.
Lesson well learned!

I only listen to music when I exercise or am traveling. It helps me not think so much. When I write, I need quiet or I'll be distracted.

Some of what I write comes out quickly. That's how I write stories. For poems, I'll typically have a thought that I ponder for a time, build on, and carve into something pretty to read. It could take any amount of time.

Have fun.  

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[no subject]

16 Years Ago

i usually have some music in the background, but it doesn't always affect my writing. i have it there mostly to hae some kind of noise. sorry, i live in a house of 10, when everyone else is out i need noise.
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[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Hi Chloe,

Around here, I cannot concetrate on creating without music. LOL Too many distractions. I cannot edit with music on, though. I am dyslexic and it takes all of my concentration to read. Sounds distract me from that.

Love to you,


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16 Years Ago

I have the same problem as a few of you .. too many distractions and since i am used to them
i cannot handle complete silence!
Would be nice for a change though..

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16 Years Ago

For me, I use music, but I tend to use instrementals, since I can sometimes focus more on the lyrics then on my own writing. So I mix them occasionally with some classical, some trance-y stuff (NIN's recent Ghosts album is perfect for this) and post-rock, like one of my personal favorites, Godspeed You! Black Emperor.