Bad A*s Poets Talking S**t : Forum : would it be too strange...

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would it be too strange...

18 Years Ago

if we had an asignment that went along the lines of this:

pick a writer in the group. any writer. anyone. any gender. any age.

pick them for whatever reasons you may - you love them, you hate them, you idolize them, you despise them. i hope none of us despise anyone else in here... but it might be for other reasons than just that.

pick a writer - and write them a love poem/story/ode/song.


choose a person - write some love.

make the words count - make it show that you adore them. even if you don't, you will find things to adore, in their writing, in their pictures, in the comments they leave and are left in return... something will be found.

can it be done?

[no subject]

18 Years Ago

It could be done...I'll go get my love gun and aim.

[no subject]

18 Years Ago

angel promoted this. i think it's a bad a*s idea indeed. I actually have a couple posted if anyone cares to look see. if belle does the links, they're called:

erroneous impression


like water for chocolate

more along the lines of why i was "mad" at a particular piece

[no subject]

18 Years Ago

This wasn't hard...I just had the first line in my head all last night...thank god I remembered it.