Bad A*s Poets Talking S**t
Membership...and what it means..
Membership...and what it means to talk some shit...18 Years AgoHeres the dealio... I have denied ten requests to join this group this morning alone. This group has not been fromed for me to be cooler and make more friends. IM AN A*S PEOPLE, i'm sorry, i thought you knew...
I have sent out invitations, past that...If i have missed somebody who you think would be insane to leave out of this, please let me know. I am attempting to spend most of my time with the people in this group. They are mostly those who I respect, think kick a*s, or want to live to. Also, I created this kind of fast, so if you know were cool and I forgot to invite you....MY BAD...I smoke a lot of weed, and my brain isn't what it should be. As for those who are trying to be invited...dont just f*****g ask without me even knowing you...seriously people...theres a hundred f*****g groups popping up every ten minutes now...go play with them, or state you case and see how it plays out. This is not a game, I want to be published, and I think that the people I have invited so far can help me be better at writing. Like I said, I'm an a*s!!! V |
[no subject]18 Years AgoV, thanks man, I'm touched....god i need a f*****g drink today!
[no subject]18 Years AgoI'm going to pop another pain killer real soon...root canals suck !!! But I will be feeling good soon !!! ::sleepy:: ::suprised:: ::tongue::
[no subject]18 Years AgoBig man on pain killers...what a should write something at the height of it all...V
[no subject]18 Years Agommm...painkillers. I have one percocet left, and then it's back to the land of unalterd consciousness for me...
[no subject]18 Years AgoOkay, so I gotta vent on the whole painkiller thing.....and this is what is great about this group - i can be brutally honest and no one will judge or feel sorry for me....just say hell yes or i'm there babe.....
Here's a list: *forgive if i mis-spelled tylenol w/codene vicadin, vicadin ex strength darvocet morphine (now allergic too) hycosamine tordol demorall percocet *i've taken all of these at one point or another since i was 15. mainly because i have suffer from fibroids/endometriosis - long story short - life filled with surgeries and had a hysterectomy at 31. I was on percocet from the time i was 5 months pregnant to when i delivered premature and my daughter was born borderline addicted - so when i tell u she amazes me - and why i spend so much time talking about u know why....she's my miracle..... nothing like going into walmart and buying a narcotic while pregnant what pisses me off is that now my body is immune to all of them...and i'm not making that s**t up...i have been TOLD i'm the next time i end up at the ER - god help me.....and because i'm so young my hormones are seriously f*****g whacked and in the last year alone i've been on: effexor phenergan vivelle cymbalta prozac the cymbalta worked, i was in a happy place - but then my f*****g insurance wouldn't cover it, so they put me on prozac - which is had the adverse effect on me and i feel like a f*****g zombie on it...i hate it. i'm sick of being sick. and it's not the kind of sick someone can just feel sorry about. i don't have cancer, i don't have aids or some degenerative's the kind of sick no one seems to be able to figure out and it makes life harder on top of all the other drama i have to deal with - and i can't ever explain to "normal" people why i'm so fucked up....i never feel sorry for myself (so don't think that) - instead i try to spread awareness and pray someday some doctor or rich a*s microsoft or oil investor gives me the dough to fund research for it....i have this incurable "problem" that will never go away and i'm sick of going thru my whole life and being told i'm a b***h or moody and there's nothing i can do about it.... its hard to stay positive in such a negative world.... that's part of why i got into writing so young....and why i preach about writing it down instead of taking it out on people....i decided the day i started throwing things and breaking windows, i decided that it was time to get help.... sorry if i lost you somewhere in all of that....just talking s**t.....venting... |
[no subject]18 Years AgoWell I did not write anything, watched a movie with the wife instead...Manchurian Candidate with Denzel Washington. It was a cool movie, not great though. My jaw still f****n hurts though.
[no subject]18 Years Agof****n A i just stick with naproxen sodium and after 10 minutes i forget what the hell was hurting ;)
[no subject]18 Years AgoI have the Tylenol III's with Codeine and Amoxicillin. My stomach is doing flip flops. ::tongue:: ::mad:: ::cry::
[no subject]18 Years AgoTylenol III's make me have nightmares/night terrors. I'm partial to Loratab. It makes you go into a very nice little sleep and you wake up super, super rested. (Of course that's like 14 hours later.)
[no subject]18 Years Agoi think i'm cool with all of the above in half hour increments...lmao...
V |
[no subject]18 Years AgoHow did this thread get so off
[no subject]18 Years AgoHey, Vince. Thanks for the invite. Thought I should drop in and say something. I've been out this weekend to my first-ever book fair in a city about 3 hours away.
I had a blast meeting people, but only sold two - count 'em - two books. *sigh* But, I've got two more fairs in the works, an invitation to join the Texas Institute of Letters and was interviewed for a local TV station covering the event. So, it wasn't a total waste. I've read all the posts in all the threads so far and have to admire everyone for opening up like they have. Everyone goes through something, huh. One day, I'll start telling you my side of the dark. Til then - later! |
[no subject]18 Years AgoDude,
i'm a little slow in getting on this group bandwagon, I wanted to see where it was headed 'fore i jumped on. First, its cool to be on the inside of one of these groups, but i won't let kudos or plaudits detract from my primary purpose (and yours Vince, and i'm sure most of us) which is to reach the largest possible audience, to be published, perhas to be able to do this fun s**t for a living instead of during coffee breaks ..... As far as this drug s**t is concerned, anyone who reads/will read some of the stories I am working on knows I been there....too fracking often.. I am one of those "I had to quit or die" guys, but that don;t mean I can't empathise, or write from memory as if i am in the midst of the paradise and hell that is alternative reality. Damn, enough already, I am not writing a piece here, I like tha fact I don't hafta be grammarical or spell correctly.....hehe anyways, thanks again V. its cool to be |
[no subject]18 Years AgoHaha! This is supposed to be a group where I come to vent my pain, anguish, and other random thoughts that fly out my a*s, head, or both, lol, but it looks like I need to get on some Medicaid or something! Sounds like some good s**t you all got going on, lol,...wait, I'm kidding. Seriously, for moi, I try to never take, or put any 'pills' into my body that I don't have to, I'm talking about shove them down my throat at the doctor's office have to, lol, but that doesn't mean I won't admit to such methods as tapping the 'ol bottle every once in a while. ::drool:: Good stuff.
Anywho, just want to say this group is f*****g awesome, so glad I'm a part of you all, *sniff sniff* ::cry:: lol, and you know what I hate when it comes to pills, since we're kind of on the topic? I HATE F*****G HORSE PILLS! What the hell? Who said, "Oh, let's make a pill that's f*****g impossible for a human being to swallow. Let's see how well that goes over." Yeah, those things suck. Lata. |
[no subject]18 Years AgoAfter reading all the forums completely and seeing that ten of my friends are already here, I feel like this can be a home for me.
Thanks for letting me in. ::biggrin:: |
[no subject]18 Years AgoWhy I feel like adding a comment?
(Sorry...I talk to myself in real life too....) I got my wisdom teeth pulled and wellI've been taking a pill here and there but I try not to because you never know when you will really need one...seeing they have pulled all the bad teeth...damn near all my damn teeth...I might not need them anytime soon. There is a list of pills i can't take, which are sad because they are all the basic ones and none of them work anymore...When I am in pain I wait until it really hurts before rolling the dice with pills. Mostly it's because of cramps... but now I self medicate with liquor (hey you can't knocked it when once a month nature is screaming in your bowels)... Hmm...I've always thought Bowels was afunny word...I know i just misused it...but f**k it I hope you understand... And I need to start sleeping at normal time..I swear. Oh.. and thanks...I needed a writing group like some of you need cigarettes ....or like I need to get a life..or like we need to get a new Pres... I need this...badly. |
[no subject]18 Years Agoyay sorry i haven't been here yet but here i am! bright and shiny. i will try to please everyone here to the best of my abilities.
heart |
[no subject]18 Years AgoThanks for the privillege to be a bad a*s Vince. I'm not a kiss a*s, so I will leave out the flattery and all. I'm ready to rock and roll.
[no subject]18 Years AgoThanks for including me in your group of bad asses, Vince. I look foward to the experience. Hello everyone, glad to be here!
Mona |