Bad A*s Poets Talking S**t
Things we love...
Things we love...18 Years AgoI love my kids. I love when they smile, and when they look at me without seeing what I know is there. I love my wife and the fact that she is aware of how unworthy I am, but sticks around anyway. I love movies, and DVD's. I love to smoke weed and then have great sex. I love a lot of my friends, for sticking around even after I split to florida, and for being here when i got back. I love my four brothers in Palmbay. Rory, Garrett, Russ, and Phil...without you, I would have failed, and with you, look at my sriting. Thanks boys. I love the Crimson Quill Society and everything it stood for. I love Eminem, 2-pac, and Fort Minor, now those kids can write. I love certain people on this site, for being real and looking past the drama. I love Entertainment weekly, and Premier Magazine. I love Elizabeth Hurly, and her tits. I love me a good nap in the middle of the day, for no reason at all. I love my mom, and all she sees in me. I love homemade sauce on sundays, and the smell it brings. I love being Italian, and I love being american, I love the fact that I can leave at any time. I love tattoos, and how they feel, ciggerettes, and how they taste, and my spelling and punctuation, and how bad it sucks. I love that i can do run on sentences for days, and no body calls me on it cause they're getting the message rather then reading the words.
Most of all I f*****g love coffe mixed with conversation. Nothing beats good company and high energy. better then coke, but not as good as sex. A way to pend an evening on any night. V |
[no subject]18 Years Agooh vince...running my emotions today aren't you?
I love my daughter, my husband, my stepkids, my parents, my that order...i have too many family members to shout out love, so collectively, a hug. I love "love" and saying "i love you" more now in the past year because I see what I could've lost....I love my friends...all of them, and not in some lame a*s insincere way, i genuinely love them and I tell them that...real, myspace, writers, etc.... I love chocolate, greasy food and crispy chips, and i'm not afraid to eat a f*****g entire thin crust pepperoni pizza nor am I afraid to admit it. I love mt. dew. I love that I can come on here and say f**k, s**t, god damn - b***h about my husband's exwife, everyone understands why and no one b*****s at me for doing it. I love movies, I love writing, I love Bravo, I love watching reality shows and I don't care who knows it. I love wearing stocking caps in the middle of summer and flip flops in the dead of winter. I love poker, I love winning at poker, I love beating my husband at poker. I love watching Daniel Negreanu smart off about his straights. I love New Orleans, I love Las Vegas, I love NYC, I love Detroit. I love Ireland. I love to travel. I love the way my carry on luggage sounds as it rolls down the floor in an airport. I love LSU, I love Notre Dame and I love all Detroit sports teams. I love being a democrat. I love Cymbalta I love Starbucks and it's commericialized version of coffee, I don't care. White Choc Mocha with Whip cream. I love food. I love cooking. I love that NO ONE can make apple beignets but me. I love watching porn. I love it even more watching it with my husband. I love flirting when I'm drunk. I love dancing by myself in club full of wannabes. I love my journal and the fact that I can write in it and no one cares. I love that I hide it in my bedroom and my husband sneaks around to read it, then tries to put it back the way it was, then tries to anonamously kiss my a*s when I've vented on 10 pages about how he pissed me off. Does that cover it for now? |
[no subject]18 Years AgoI love being around well mannered kids. I love Moonpies. I love finding the perfect book and stretching the reading of it out for days. I love going to the movies and I love sharing a moment in time with people I love. I love coffee so junked up with sugar that it's not even coffee-tasting anymore. I love cigarettes in the dark. I love music in my headphones so loud that I get a headache. I love straight out vodka, no ice, no nothin. I love TV. I love it when someone is around to take care of me. I love ! the writerscafe. I love friends online who are better than real life ones anyway.
But most of all... I love writing. Just plain writing. Writing whatever I can get out. |
[no subject]18 Years Ago"I love friends online who are better than real life ones anyway."
Couldn't have said it better Val.... |
[no subject]18 Years AgoI love the way music feels. When you have the right song for the right moment, and it makes you feel more than you ever thought possible. I love the way that if you let it, it will slink into your soul and rest with you. I love the atmosphere of being in the pit at a really good rock show, and how all of a sudden it doesn't matter if someone bumps into you, or grabs you inappropriately...because the whole atmosphere changes. I love really strong black coffee especially when you throw a shot of espresso in there, and the way I feel like I'm pretty badass because I can handle it stronger than you. I love really good wine. I love spicy food. Like, really spicy, so that it makes you cry. I can handle it because I'm tough. I love getting absolutely caught up in a book and losing track of time. I love the way poetry makes you feel deep down. When it's the right poetry anyways. I love the idea of tattoos, and as soon as I have money again...I'm going to get one. I love fall days that are just perfect. When the weather is chilly and the world is quiet. I love having long conversations with people that are meaningful. Sitting in coffee shops or restaurants and just talking...
I love existentialism, and philosophy. The way it makes me think and feel on the inside. I love Bob Dylan...maybe to an obsessive degree but I don't care. I think he is a genius. I love writing. I love the way it makes me feel. How it makes me feel passionate, and it releases something inside of me that I can't explain, and only other writers understand. |
[no subject]18 Years AgoAlright, I forgot one, and I can't believe I forgot this...
I freaking love Dave know Dave Grohl from the Foo Fighters. I'm not one to get girly crushes or act like a teenager, but damnit all if Dave Grohl doesn't make me blush. I love his personality, and his voice, and just the Foo in general. He's just hot. His tats, and smile, and when he sings the acoustic version of Everlong, forget it...I can't even talk about it. Okay, now that I've embarrassed myself...I'll shut up now. |
[no subject]18 Years AgoHey, I missed one too. Dave Matthews. Eeeeeee.
[no subject]18 Years AgoI love my wife and three sons, for they have made my life worth living more than anything else.
I love the Washington Redskins, even when they lose. I love kick a*s guitar playing; such as Jimi Hendrix. I love real time strategy pc games as I was supposed to be emperor of the world, but got it twisted somewhere. So I take out vengeance on pixels emulating enemy soldiers that stand in the way of CONQUEST !!! muahahahahahahahaha !!!! |
[no subject]18 Years Agoi love my guitars, and my tomato garden
i love my mom, for being everything i want to be i love my sisters, even tho we aren't blood and all my brothers, for that matter i love my soul i love africa i love my koi and my bordercolie i love that people can love me i love that i can love |
[no subject]18 Years AgoI love change. I love the feeling of being in a completely new place. And I love how your perspective of that place changes as it becomes less new. I love the smell of fresh cut grass and the sound of rain on the roof. I love playing in puddles. I love visiting my family on Sundays to eat my mom's sauce, watch the Steelers, and talk politics. I love Southern Comfort on the rocks with a slice of lime. I love the drunk I get from it. I love Pinot Grigio (and the headache I get from that). I love the smell of fall and the sting of winter. I love to keep my bedroom cold and then snuggle under blankets.
I love baklava and flirting. I love dry humor- love throwing my head back and laughing deep from the bottom of my belly. I love stupid humor like robot chicken and I love me some Contra- up up down down left right left right B-A-B-A. I love love love Raphael from the teenage mutant ninja turtles. My other celebrity loves include kurt cobain, james dean, matt caplan, and jenny lewis I love acting. I love dressing up and becoming someone completely different. I love broadway shows. I love singing broadway tunes. I love when all the songs that play on my ipod match my mood. I love the feeling of hopping on a greyhound with 50 dollars in my pocket. I love the freedom of just going- somewhere, anywhere. I love that the world is so big and that there is so much beauty within it, that I'll never get to see it all or fully appreciate it. I love trying. I love crocheting scarves. I love black and white photography. I love my friends. I love my dogs. I love randomness. I love looking at modern art and going wtf? I love quoting movies like Christmas Vacation and Dumb and Dumber. I love psychology -Abnormal Psych with some Existential Phenomenology mixed in there. Reading and Writing- yea love those too. and apparently I love talking about myself. |
[no subject]18 Years AgoI love being alive knowing that life is change like a circus bear trying to balance on that ball I love being turned on interested taking it all in going with the flow and letting it change me ever evolutionary
[no subject]18 Years AgoI love that im a dumb a*s but most people here are just letting me be gracefully:) thanks guys, and I love that all my real friends dont know anything bout it:) yay.
I love that at 2:40 in the morning when I run out of words I can come here and charge my battery up with feeling unworthy in the face of a lot of your words and that im about to squeeze at least another hour of writing, out of myself, cus im competitive like that:) I love that hot tea alters my voice 180, that the moon comes through the car lot light even if I cant see any stars. I love that life changes all the time and that magic is real as well as misery and nothing stays stagnant. I love that this place offers me the chance to meet my business partners, and people I can talk books with hopefully for the rest of my life. outside of here I love the gifts, the ability, the scenery, the smell, the freedom, and the magic of livin. that tomorrow I could possibly change everything if im strong. Thats tight. |
[no subject]18 Years AgoI love the way an object saved from a moment shared with someone you love can be a portal to transfer you back in time so you can hit replay on that beautiful memory. I love that I have had experiences I want to revisit. I love the dream of having more of these types of treasures in the future. I love collecting happy memories, but more than that...I love helping to create those memories for someone else.
[no subject]18 Years Agoi love that celluloid moment when music and image combine to crete a complete aural mindfuck.
i love arguing with someone because it reminds me i still care. i love fog because it scares me. |
[no subject]18 Years AgoI love me... you know that b***h that people wish would just die because some aren't still quite sure if I'm not going to go kill them in the middle of the night.
I love scaring people...just a enough to make them think trice (damn I need to add trice to my favorite word list). I love black and sweatpants... and having dreams even though I never want to get up...and thuderstorms...and my charcaters... and I'll get back to ya. |
[no subject]18 Years Agoi love saying what i feel. i love not caring about the consequences. i love that sometimes i can convnce myself to believe my own lies.
[no subject]18 Years AgoI love my kids. I love to see the smile on there faces every day, and I love to see there eyes light up at the sight of me. I love to hold them when they cry and know that I can make them stop as soon as I do. I love to play with them and here the precious laughter. I love them when their sleeping, that's my time for me. I love myself. I love to write. I love to draw. I love coffee and tea. I love my thinking chair.
I love my husband. I love when he kisses me goodbye at 5:30am everyday as he leaves for work. I love to call him at work just to here his voice even if i only get his voice mail. I love to cook and have our dinner waiting. I love the feeling I get when I know he'll walk through the door soon. I love the smile on his face and his kiss hello when he does. I love the way our kids run to him yelling Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, as he pics them up to great them. I love. |
[no subject]18 Years AgoI don't have any kids, and honestly I don't know if I ever will, but I know there is a deep relationship between parents and their children, and of course I know this b/c I am someone's child, and at this time I just want to declare how frickin' much I love my parents.
True, my mother and I have not always come to terms on a lot of things, but she is no doubt, in my eyes, the best mother in the world, from what's she's taught me, to her discipline, to her creativity, through everything she is, I am made a better person by her influence and possibly I might have not been where i am today, accomplishment and otherwise without her, so thanks a load Mom:) My Dad.... there has never been enough words as long as this earth's been around to say about the man, and there never will be. Try as I might to describe the love I hold for this one man, is a never-ending task, one that I will continue to do as long as I live. He is my friend, my protector, my 'life lessons' giver, he is a part of me which I can't explain, he holds the idea form of love in my heart. Dad you simply rock. Yes, I'm so glad I have the two of them together, and they didn't f**k me up as bad as other people's parents I know. I've got two of the best in the world, but I know there are plenty more out there as well. So, who else has some of the best parents ever planted on earth? Anybody agree with me here? If so, let me know. Lata, Jess |
[no subject]18 Years Agoits called being too smart for your own good, v-man. never believe your own construct. I am peeved (to keep it in keeping with the vent thing) when that happens.
[no subject]18 Years AgoI came here today to post a couple of random loves, but first I must agree with Ms. Clown up north there...I have great parents....despite my childhood and it's fucked up, depressed, food stamp toting moments, i've so freely conversed about prior, in the end, my parents rock.
Today, in a happy place....I love Pringles Cheese-Umzs and the way the crunch in your mouth and the way my daughter uses them as duck bills and gets orange debris all over her face. I love eating them with Mt. Dew and the way I get all hyper and bounce of the walls like liquid starbucks. I love that I bought them at lunch at Wal-Mart. I love Halloween and its naughty-ness. The only time you can dress normal and not be considered strange. I love that the Tigers are in the playoffs today and I'm wearing my bright orange t-shirt over my long sleeve grey "Fire Millen" shirt....irony. I love irony. |