Bad A*s Poets Talking S**t
VENT18 Years AgoExactly what it says.... Everyone can vent on this forum about the s**t in everyday life that just pisses you off to no end!!!
I'll start it...F**k I hate the wind. My damn internet has been on and off along with the damn t.v. all night. And Carl's Junior, I know all of you don't have or know what Carl's Junior is, but I got dinner there tonight and I ordered criss cut fries (the only reason I really eat there) and those a*s's gave me regular fries! B******s! I also hate people that work the night shift at the A.M./ P.M.'s , tofu, fat free anything, and boy bands. I hate the fact that Jay-Z said he was retired yet I read the date for his new CD in this week's entertainment weekly. I hate insomnia, and chick lit that doesn't say anything new. I hate Dave F****n Berry, the guy who has those humor books, if he can get published, why in God's green earth can't we? pfew... I also hate commercials that last a minute and a half, then list side effects for three. and Oprah and that Wal-Mart doesn't sell Dreamery ice cream anymore and I'm done....your turn V |
[no subject]18 Years AgoI hate double talking and when people are responsible for breaking your s**t and don't even pretend like they are going to compensate you. I hate when people let their dogs and/or children bark/scream like maniacs. I hate when your in a public place and you have to listen to people argue about nothing important. I hate when you spend 45 f*****g minutes typing out the perfect blog entry and then myspace for some unknown annoying reason doesn't let you post and when you hit back it's not there. I hate when people hurt your feelings and then pretend that they were joking. I hate Republicans.
But most of all... I hate being ignored. It drives me insane! |
[no subject]18 Years AgoF****n A Val...F**k those screamin kids and dogs, and assinine people who hurt you... This is what I'm talkin about.... arrrgggg I hate
[no subject]18 Years AgoI love the phrase "f*****g a"... That's the second time I heard it today. I saw Clerks II tonight.
I like this group so far. :-) |
[no subject]18 Years AgoI hate people who don't do what they say they're going to do. I hate being interrupted (and ignored..right Val?). I hate it when people don't' use turn signals when they're driving ('s not hat hard). I really dislike teenagers...I'm pretty sure I skipped that entire part of growing up, so I don't get it. I don't like lame excuses or beating around the bush. I pretty much loathe the south, and rednecks, and nascar racing, and ranch dressing, and budweiser, the phrase y'all, and humidity, and phony southern hospitality that's really just a crock...
I hate bad tippers....20% is standard kids...I hate serving "Canadians" (you may or may not know what that means). I hate the restaurant industry... I think I'll stop now... |
[no subject]18 Years AgoMy s**t list:
Neocons, self-righteous christians, "gangstas", nazis, rednecks, racial supremacists, blacker than thou types, Home based business cultists, Dallas Cowboys, Atlanta Braves, Black conservatives (especially the syndicated ones), Candy a*s liberals who have no idea what it truly means to be a leftist, "businessmen"...I have more later. |
[no subject]18 Years AgoYes, a specialized site for my bitchings! nice V!
[no subject]18 Years AgoHow perfect this group is, especially for me todayso here I goI don't normally maybe i'll convey how pissed off I am....
First off ValI hate republicans tooeven though my husband and my dad are one. I hate the f*****g republican state I live in, and I miss our democratic governorand I f*****g hate politics in general. I hate f*****g Ohio. Every time I drive to that state I get sick, something happens, car breaks down, we get lost, someone dies, or someone gets hurt. I f*****g hate it. I f*****g hate the fact that my husbands ex-wife lives there with my step-kids and we have to f*****g drive two hours each way to get them, only to visit for f*****g 24 hours and take them home. I hate that their f*****g state would rather allow her new husband to beat on my stepson and daughters and say they are trying to keep a family together then to remove those kids from that f*****g s**t a*s w***es home and put those kids where they belong, with us. The fact that my f*****g 11 year old stepson jumped out a two story house, ran away to a f*****g 64 year old mans home, called the police, and the f*****g city of Findlay took him back to that home, instead of f*****g calling my husband or getting CPS involvednot to mention, they didnt even f*****g check the kid for bruiseswhich he had. The fact that her f*****g 26 year old Marine who-ah, cage fighting, redneck, beer drinking, wife beating husband can drop my 10 year old stepdaughter from the ceiling into a dog cage, kick her in the back, call my step kids f*****g a******s make them do boot camp exercises as punishment, and yet call their house a better place to livedespite the fact all of the kids were in tears, asking to live with us, my husband has called the police department a number of times, CPS, the state child services board, and nothingf*****g nothing. The fact she can get married three times, f**k around on all of her husbands more than once, have an adulterous affair overseas while shes suppose to be defending our country after 9/11, not bother to f*****g think about her kids before she decides to get married before shes even divorced and the guy hadnt even met the kids yetconvince the courts that in the 9 months she was gone and we had custody that $500 in child support was enough, then turn around and rack up all her credit cards buying s**t while in Spain, and yet the second she comes home, some how we have to pay $1000 a month to her for child support which of course she blows on herself, and the kids know it. I hate the fact that she gets to attend a BIG 10 university on the Gary Lee Scholarship fund (aka my husband)....and all i have is a hs diploma...i hate the fact that my stepkids f*****g school wont test my stepdaughter for being dyslexic even though we begged them and they nearly failed her last year and they wont intervene and help get those kids out of that home. Did I say how much I hate f*****g Ohio? THE Ohio State Univ. too. (no offense to any grads...just personal opinion) And in closing, I hate the fact that My husbands ex wife has gone and told two of my step-kids that my husband isnt heir dad, told me she doesnt really know who one of their fathers is but conveniently forgot to tell my husbandand yet, everyone just believes shes the victim here. I f*****g, f*****g, f*****g, hate her!!!!!! I could go on, but I better stop now....4 more hours and they'll be at my house.... |
[no subject]18 Years Agoyou know what I hate...Snickers. I hate the fact that I used to be young enough to grub them , but now they make my teeth hurt like i'm an old man. I hate that I bought all my X-Box games only for them to come out with X-Box 360 and make my games unplayable. I hate that random f*****g people want to be in this group, because hey, one more group on there list and they're that much f*****g cooler right? I hate Bush, and I hate people who hate me for that. I hate the fact that I can't go to sleep earlier then 2 a.m. on any given night. I hate that I ran out of pot ten days ago. I hate that this site is becoming overflowed with f*****g people who would rather IM me about how they are walking into work, then reviewing my s**t. I hate that there's such things as clicks, even in here, choose a side and sit the f**k down kids. I hate sports, and i hate the fact that that makes me a little metrosexual, i hate that f*****g word..."metrosexual" what is that? I hate when I can't drink my coffee with a p***y foot creamer and it actually tastes like coffee. I hate my daughters new first grade teacher, and the fact that he looks at me funny for having tattoos and a backbone, f**k you buddy, wanna play? I hate 6 a.m., and anything before that. I hate getting old, and knowing about death, i wish i was a kid again, and thought everyone but me was gonna die eventually. I hate that I am where I am, and that I don't know how to get where I want to be. I hate getting permanent marker on my fingertips and looking like a tool for the next five showers. But most of all....I F*****G HATE JERRY SPRINGER. B***h you used to be cool, now you are a f*****g joke dancing with stars on a station that should be sent to hell for helping deteriorate this society. B*****S!!!!!!!!
V |
[no subject]18 Years Agof*****g xbox 360 - god, i totally agree.....
[no subject]18 Years AgoI hate that my father is so lazy he pisses in a bottle and expects me to empty it for him.
I hate that I that he is capable of walking on his own, but he expects me to feed him in bed, run when he drops the remote, and wash his butt everytime he craps because he "can't reach it". I hate that my grandmother is losing her mind. I hate that she freaks out when I try to give her a bath clawing, and hitting me with a cane, a knife..whatever she can get her hands on. I hate that as much as I love them one else helps me. I hate that I feel stuck at home by the phone just in case they need me. I hate that it always feels as if I am having to bury someone I love or hold their head while they die and I am left with that last exhale slapping me in the face. I hate that I resent doing these things for my family at times. I hate being degraded on a gig by other band members that want me to use my "sexuality" as a drawing card for extra tips when they don't want to split the gig monies evenly because I am just the sax player. I hate that I spend too much time online because I feel trapped at home. I hate that I can't tell my friends all these things I hate and instead I just smile and offer them my shoulder to cry on when inside I'm f*****g dying inside...a slow ..silent...death. |
[no subject]18 Years AgoI hate when people talk on thier cell phones in public places loud enough for everyone to hear.
I hate when I'm with someone who is constantly talking to someone else on a cell phone. I hate when stores put up Christmas displays in September because it reminds me that everyone forgot about the poor baby jesus. I hate when my computer starts going really slow because I have viruses on it because everyone is downloading porn in my house. I hate that everything is so defenite in math and science. Like pi, why can't it be some other number. I don't like that it has to be 3.14. I hate that when I asked my math teacher why it wasn't some other number he just said "it doesn't matter why, it just is this number." I hate that Jessica Simpson gets played on the radio. I hate that Paris Hilton gets played on the radio. I hate off-brand potato chips. I hate when someone says "get over it" I feel it's so dismissive. I hate when someone says "you're crazy" I feel it's so dismissive. I hate when someone says that they can't do something. I think it's a cop-out. I hate people who don't try. I hate people who give up. I hate people who complain too much. I hate people who are not smart. I hate people who are too boring. I hate people who try to act like someone they are not. I hate people who try to act like me. I hate people who don't take advantage of life. |
[no subject]18 Years AgoI am not a person who easily shares personal things about my life, but
Leah's post compels me to put it out there. Guess writing is more important. I hate that my father is such a prick my mother blew her f*****g brains out at the age of 71. Couldn't stand the b*****d anymore. Couldn't see leaving him after 50 years. I hate that my father is such a shallow man. Self-absorbed. The son-of-a-b***h is still breathing air. My mother isn't. Oh yeah, I did say personal, didn't I? Never even said it to him. What good would it serve? He's old and close to dying, as much as he fears it. I think most people are a******s at heart. Self-absorbed. Takers. Greedy. Could care less what they do to others to achieve their ends. Live for fun, f**k everyone else. All about "me". Me me me. I hate whoever the "genius" is that designed Walmart parking lots. They have s**t for brains. That weaving around makes no sense to me. I hate winter. Cold sucks. Snow sucks. I have no confidence in others to act decent to others anymore. I don't think they're intentionally bad, but they're clueless how to get along with others. Guess they missed 1st grade playground etiquette. And, I hate most of all: time. I never want to grow older. I wanted to be 21 forever, cause that's how I feel inside. I'm so screwed. |
[no subject]18 Years AgoMark...It's a pleasure to meet YOU bro. You have no idea how brave that was, I know how much you keep to yourself, I have actually had other writers on the WC ask me about you, and what I knew. I have felt privlidged that we are the friends we are at this point. And from the little I know, Bad a*s for taking that step bro...Bad a*s...
[no subject]18 Years AgoLove man...this took are compelling, awesome, raw....
then, i'm shaking my head at a lot of this.....f*****g snow, f*****g walmart, f*****g people and no playground ediquette.... |
[no subject]18 Years Agoi hate f*****g pop ups too - and those junk emails that come in saying try viagra, look at this new stock, meet me i'm sexy and stop feeling depressed and fat....
who honestly takes the time to type that s**t and mass email it? |
[no subject]18 Years Agosometimes, i really f****n hate being a teenager
i hate that even tho i managed to avoid the public school system, i'm still sucked into immature brats drama of everyday s**t i f****n hate the fact that i don't get enough chances to scream i hate that when i do, the only people who really hear it are here (i love you all to death, i do, but sometimes i wish someone tangible would f****n egg it on me) i f****n hate that i have to get up for some damn water i hate my f****n migraines i hate the fuckers who smoke on campus, OUTSIDE the designated smoking areas, ensuring me a f****n migraine when i walk to my 3 hour lectures i hate f****n north carolina i hate that i can vote, but there isn't a single a*****e who'll get mine i hate infections i hate disease i hate that i can't be back in africa i F****N hate that my hearts still there and i hate the f****n ant bites on my foot. f**k. |
[no subject]18 Years AgoOooo..Pip...I hate North Carolina too. Lived there for 2 years, just moved back to Colorado...I hated North Cackalacky...
(and I also hate flourescent lights) |
[no subject]18 Years Agooh f**k i wish i was in colordao
i love denver.... NC can kiss my f****n a*s. |
[no subject]18 Years AgoI hate, hate, HATE Ohio.