Bad A*s Poets Talking S**t
you know ur tired when
you know ur tired when18 Years Agoi thought of that tag in the shower this morning, as i had 15 min's to get up and get my daughter dressed/to the sitter/to work, which of course she wasn't - she was in her pj's and i was too tired to move the car seat to my hubby's car from my van, so i threw her in the backseat - i don't think she opened her eyes from the time i pulled her from bed, put a coat on her and left...i'm going to hell i'm sure....thank god i only live 6 blocks from both locations.
also famous for leaving the phone in the refrigerator falling asleep in my glasses running into walls and i can't go to sleep unless the tv is on insomniacs unite! and you? |
[no subject]18 Years AgoI need to be outlawed from sleep...
like really...I don't sleep untill it's really late or early in the morning and then I sleep all damn day (mostly because I'm dreaming...and a lot of the time..sleep is better than sex...better than living)...I daydream..a lot... thinking about s**t I need to be writing ...that's why i wrote a lot better in bed than I do here at the desktop (working on that problem as we speak)..i got a stack of laptops (7...I swear)..that I work on...hopeing to get one of them working..i fix one and next thing I know it breaks (becuase they are so old they are working of fumes and prayers)... I just got another one... it's missing everything but the body...but it was $20 bucks...and it's newer than all the other ones I got...I need a cd-rom ($10)...memory ($25)...disk caddy (the lil metal thing that holds the hard drive in)... i need some cover for the memory...s**t I might just be cheap and take some plastic piece that is close..and then ductape it there. oh..but I'm sidetracking I'm tired when I leave things undone (once...I left the front door wide open all night) when words don't make sense when I'm reading (that's when my brain has stop)... when I can't read because I'm tearing up from sleepness (happens damn near everyday) when the last time I was was 2 and a half days ago..and only for 2 hours or so...and it's so bad I can't count the hours since (I just can't count anymore) when I need to pee and I can't, s**t I can barely walk to my bed ( think when I use things to make me fall asleep that I pee before taking cold meds) when I can sleep on my back when I keep nodding off at the computer and eveytime I nod off I dream even though... the biggest sign that i'm tired is when I go striaght upstairs to bed because I always stop at the computer (it's across from the stairs)..if I can say f**k tempation...I need to be in bed..period. |
[no subject]18 Years AgoYou know you are tired when, at 3 am you go to the fridge for a glass of water and you put the phone in the fridge..
I need sleep, it's bad Cade |
[no subject]18 Years Agoi ain't been to sleep yet.
I know it's bad when I start having phone dreams (the ones where I'm talking on the phone and the other person stops talking...I jump and find I've been talking into my hand...(giggles)...that used to happen back in the day when I to "actually" talk. |