Bad A*s Poets Talking S**t : Forum : Hey Bad Asses!

Hey Bad Asses!

18 Years Ago

I felt I needed to thank everyone (esp V) for "Motel, room 308" being featured because I wouldn't have written what I wrote without you guys.

Sounds corny I know.

When I graduted...really before..all I really wanted was to be in some writing group. Ok, I blame myself for being some kind of hermit (I live near all kinds of places and cities...but I stick to the basic places), for it taking two years and BAPTS to come around (and save me from the rut I'm living in).

I still have to go back and re-read all the poems and comment (since I read the ones before mines to get the mood set). So keep the challeges coming...I surely need them.

[no subject]

18 Years Ago

Don't worry I feel the same way. I get better by what I read and who I read. And being surronded by people like yawll aint doing nothing but helping.. And once again, thank V and the others for not lowering the bar for entry....

It's helping us all
