Bad A*s Poets Talking S**t
Let me count the Badasses...
Let me count the Badasses...18 Years AgoHey V, long time no see.
Just wanted to pop in the forum here and say for one, how funny I think it is every time I stop by, the numbers of members seem to jump and fall from one minute to the very next. haha It's great. One day they're a badass, the next day, not. Secondly, I've forgot if I've told you this, b/c my mind doesn't work so well at the wonderful age of 21 despite what anyone thinks, lol, but thanks for making me the featured poem for as long as you have, I appreciate it, from the bottom of my poetic little And it's deep too, for poetry there is no end. Fellow bad 'assers' you all rock, and this group is awesome, I give my respects to everyone of you who can just go out there and tell it like it is, honest and raw, dear God knows somebody's gotta say it! ;) Lata, Jess |
[no subject]18 Years AgoI for one love Jess... and you're welcome kid..
V |
[no subject]18 Years AgoEveryone in this group makes me so much better by the critiques left and also the words put onto our blank pages. I know i'm not the only one that thinks it. We are all making each other a more pure writer and thank vince for being a hard a*s and not just letting any pen or brain into our group.
We need to be surronded by people that our better than us or equal as we all look to improve our thoughts and our creativity. Me would be the first example and I'm not ashamed to hide it... Thanks again guys for giving me the opportunity. Cade |