Bad A*s Poets Talking S**t
Question of the day:
Question of the day:18 Years AgoDo you think it is right to show forms of hatred, be it by words, images, conversation,movies, or opinions, by any race against any other race, group,or creed???
Personally I don't... BUT YOU KNOW WHAT: It happens And there aint s**t, the free world can do about it, but ACCEPT IT!!! Personally it f*****g sucks... I could have given about 30 different adjectives or phrases right then, but that one came to mind first... Any other thoughts????? |
[no subject]18 Years Agoheres my opinion, if it matters to anyone:
Hatred is real. As real as my lap top, as real as my kids, and as real as the joint in my hands. That being said. I've written about writing, my children and weed. Why wouldn't I write about hatred? We as writers have an obligation to stay true to the craft. Write what our hearts send out through our wrists. Now, that being said... We as writers have an obligation not to be f*****g idiots. The higher read writer, the more the obligation. If people are listening to what you have to say, you have to mind what you say. It's a blurry f*****g line that I'm still getting used to. The question you asked Cade is if we should, or shouldn't... I think we should, because if we don't who will? I am eager to see where your thread takes you bro, you have a lot of fire in you, just don't let it burn you. People love to see other people burn alive, history has taught us that if nothing else.. V |
[no subject]18 Years AgoI've been rapping in clubs since I was 15. Me and another friend.Both white
And not once, have I went to an all black night club and heard at least ONE white racist comment about me.. But you know what.. there is always a NON-WHITE there to defend me before I even have time to realize what is said.. And from the story I pm'ed you Vince, I know what hell feels like, so let the heat come What you said is true, we have an obligation as wielders of a tool that plays with peoples emotions and fears, to say what is right, regardless of public opinion.. Rather it be about love, gov'mt, racism, sports, etc........ f*****g etc.... |
[no subject]18 Years AgoWell showing them as examples of repugnancy is acceptable, but to glorify them...nope.
[no subject]18 Years Agolenny bruce-Are there any n*****s here tonight? Could you turn on the house lights, please, and could the waiters and waitresses just stop serving, just for a second? And turn off this spot. Now what did he say? "Are there any n*****s here tonight?" I know there's one n****r, because I see him back there working. Let's see, there's two n*****s. And between those two n*****s sits a kike. And there's another kike that's two kikes and three n*****s. And there's a spic. Right? Hmm? There's another spic. Ooh, there's a wop; there's a polack; and, oh, a couple of greaseballs. And there's three lace-curtain Irish micks. And there's one, hip, thick, hunky, funky, boogie. Boogie boogie. Mm-hmm. I got three kikes here, do I hear five kikes? I got five kikes, do I hear six spics, I got six spics, do I hear seven n*****s? I got seven n*****s. Sold American. I pass with seven n*****s, six spics, five micks, four kikes, three guineas, and one wop. Well, I was just trying to make a point, and that is that it's the suppression of the word that gives it the power, the violence, the viciousness. Dig: if President Kennedy would just go on television, and say, "I would like to introduce you to all the n*****s in my cabinet," and if he'd just say "n****r n****r n****r n****r n****r" to every n****r he saw, "boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie," "n****r n****r n****r n****r n****r" 'til n****r didn't mean anything anymore, then you could never make some six-year-old black kid cry because somebody called him a n****r at school.
[no subject]18 Years AgoI say bring it on. all form of hate and spew. address it up front. better to get it in the face that in the back. I am all for it. all the words and expressions. ugly or not.
[no subject]18 Years AgoI agree with Ilene... even though some of those words I don't even know. Hatred has no color, it has no sense. I find the whole n-word thing silly, but I have a different outlook on things, I guess. No one can hurt me with it because it means nothing to me. I don't care what anyone says because I'm stronger because of it. Black people like to tell me it's a weakness, but if I feel no pain, then what does it matter?
People think I'm racist, because I don't care about color. Growing up, around black people didn't bring me no f*****g joy. They ones I lived around made my life hell, white people (or any other) ain't got s**t on that. I think the only thing that pisses me off is when black people question my blackness, as if it was had of their damn business. I refuse to be limited to being just a color. I need to get some of that hatred out... I think that's it's ok just to express it...I hate people who tippy toe around things. I think that's why people hate me...I don't beat the bush...I burn it. |
[no subject]18 Years AgoIt's true, words really can't hurt you unless you let them. But the sad thing when the stigma of a word can divide a world apart. I feel the "n" word is a catch 22, If I support the use of the word, I'm a hypocrite. If I don't, I'm not helping Blacks who want to keep it among ourselves and being unrealistic when I think we can forget the word all together.
I too am questioned about my "blackness". I'm dating a white boy and dated them mostly in the past. I'm told by some blacks, I'm uppity and proper in speech. That is untrue. Just because I'm not fitting the sterotype of a mad balck woman, means I'm any less black. I try to handle things with a sense of compassion and tact...and that makes me whitefied? Such idiots, it makes me human. Anyways, I better leave that alone, or I will go off all night. As for the question. Free speech is free for all. As much as we, and sometimes even me like to censor uncouth material, it's not my place to do so. I realize I have a choice. BUT at the same time, we as writers walk a thin line. We are looked up to and respected. We should be mindful of not so much of what we say, but how we say it. There is more then one way to skin a cat. My favorite proverb in the bible says "A live dog, is better then a dead lion." |
[no subject]18 Years AgoGood words, Yira. Respect.
[no subject]18 Years AgoI really think Vince made a great point that really asks great questions. I really was thinking about our obligations as writers because, like V said, if other's are reading us, shouldn't we not watch our words and try to instill something or try to "fight the good fight." and, at the same time, it's also our personal need as writers to spew from the heart and mind, even when it's on fire.
[no subject]18 Years AgoI 'd have to say I've seen the hatred from both sides of the fence. Being a mixed White and Black female has put me on the receiving end of hatred from Blacks and Whites. I've been told my whole life I had to make a choice to either be black of white. Bullshit. I'm just plain me. I've seen hatred breed ignorance, which breeds fear, which inevitably breeds violence. It's a very real part of our world. Being called Redbone, half breed and high yella doesn't diminish who I am. It makes me stronger. Writing about the negative aspects of human nature, specifically hatred, might open some ignorant a*s people's eyes and ears and make them realize how stupid it really is. I don't say glorify it, but I do say put it out has to have some kind of impact.
[no subject]18 Years AgoI agree with you Mona. Me and V and others alike put the stuff out there for pure expression of thought and ideas that need to be addressed, not to advertise hate or ignorant thoughts. Ohh I could be corrupted coming from the town I've come from.. Small community in the deep south with KKK spraypainted on road sides. Not a minority family within 30 miles.. And it's not by choice.. But I have chosen the right path in life and decided a long time ago not to be lead down the ignorant path and be left behind with the rest..
Thanks for giving your thoughts. That's what I needed |