Bad A*s Poets Talking S**t : Forum : Mothers/News writing challenge..

Mothers/News writing challenge #2

18 Years Ago

Here are the links to the second BAPTS writing challenge. When you post yours, please send me a pm so I can add you. Thanks. ::cool::

A Couple Questions Vince
A Rebel for her time Belle
I will always love you, Mom Jamee' M. Hall.
Murder Juliette Cross
All of the things I'll Never Tell Her Kelly Dafni
Mama Leah Simone
Blue, blue Christmas Jessica Stump
No Compromise Here Ghostwriter
Mediocre Newsreel Tricks Ben Umstead
matricide William
final departure-the reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated Ilene M.w. Lush
First time I left home Ilene M.w. Lush
up yours Ilene M.w. Lush
Always a Grey Christina Marie
Labeling My Mother C Lee
Hazeline Angel
bread love Pippin E. Rose