Bad A*s Poets Talking S**t Forum your favorite word
[no subject]18 Years AgoDo I have favorite words?
Since I can't spell worth s**t... but I love the word F**K...because it's juicy and sometimes hot. When I was little my favorite word was Timelessness even though I was wishing my time here would f*****g end... I'm more a fan of names... But here's few more Stoic Death Crimson Kawii (cute) Beseech B***h incestuous (crude, but I find uses for it everyday) Castrate switchblade ..... *mind blank* I don't like slang as much as I used to, sometimes it makes me... Homicidal <--- also a favorite word or and Whateverthefuck I've become fond of, even though I guess that counts as slang. I don't like southern saying much...and when I lived in NC, I used to just tune people out when they talked like they learned english with a wet newspaper... |
[no subject]18 Years Agojasper
quintuplet cuticle serenity cannolli ferret and Vodka ( cause it sounds like you're swallowing it when you say it ) |
[no subject]18 Years AgoMelancholy
Abstruse Miscellaneous Aardvark Continue Because Meaningful Condescending... Wow I could go on and on. But I won't. |
[no subject]18 Years AgoI love Get er done!
[no subject]18 Years AgoI love the word fucktard.
[no subject]18 Years AgoQuote:
Originally posted by brownwallflower I need to add one, from one of my favorite movies of all time...I heart huckabees "Fuckabees" I love it uhhh yeah!!! greatest movie of all time!!!! |
[no subject]18 Years Agoconcupiscence (might not be spelled right)
excoriate eviscerate anhedonia sleep |
[no subject]18 Years AgoI forgot one...
Incommunicado Just rolls around the tongue so nicely. |
[no subject]18 Years AgoI love words and tend to peruse the Thesaurus for new ones all the time, but my faves are:
crimson exasperate felicity ferocious cathartic encroach mystify malicious insatiable mania lust enamored and fuckwad I'm sure more could come to mind but those are my tops. |
[no subject]18 Years Agoskeet
unfortunate dirty-old-man rude shark There are SO many more but I really don't feel like racking my brain for them. They're pretty random, so that could take a while. |
[no subject]18 Years Agoeggplant
magnifico virtuoso pomegranate fawn cuspidor slightest oriole habaqquq |