Aspiring Writers
Just a quick hello!
Just a quick hello!15 Years AgoHi everyone! I'm new here, so I thought I would join a few groups by way of introduction. I am also an aspiring writer, and hope I don't bother you too much with all my questions. So, let me ask my fellow members: I know this is an aspiring writers group, but what is everyone's experience level? As for me, I am a total novice, so be gentle! Anyway, I look forward to getting to know all of you!
[no subject]15 Years AgoHi there! I am also an aspiring writer, and hope to get my work out to as many places as I can. I have been writing most of my life, but stopped for a couple of years, just because I went through some things and couldn't concentrate enough to write. Writing is what carries me through things and helps me to feel centered. Does it do the same for you?
Melissa |
[no subject]15 Years AgoHey everyone. I just joined this site as well, and it looks like I found the right group. I've wanted to write fiction for as long as I can remember, but have only really been taking it seriously for about a year or so. I read a lot as well, try to write everyday, and usually have a nonficiton book on writing that I am going through as well. I still consider myself a novice, and for the most part experiment with short stories and "clips" or segments of ideas I have that I hope will someday develop into a novel. I hope to become active on this site and in this group as well. |