Aspiring New Authors : Forum : A publishing question

A publishing question

15 Years Ago

Is there a way to know how many pages your manuscript will be when it gets published?
Just out of curiosity. It's something I've always wondered

Manuscript Formatting

15 Years Ago

I'm not really sure, but I believe it depends on the actually formatting process itself. What I try to do in order to get an idea, and I mean (just an idea) is google for "manuscript formatting", and look around for what the general formatting default is, and then I try to replicate that with my word processor program. But honestly I really don't think you'll have a close idea of how many pages until you get in touch for the people formatting your manuscripts, cause they might have a slightly different setup.

But here are some places I've looked around just for an general idea of how many pages I have.


Another one I found online with an actual FREE downloadable word doc.
(Word Template)

Hope it helps!

- Nataliya

Novel Formatting in MS Word - By Bart Klick, Posted on AC Associated Content.

15 Years Ago

From AC Associated Content | Information from the source.

Yet another website I found online regarding formatting your "novel" to be. I actually tried this formatting suggestion on my own manuscript, and I have to say I loved the result, very professional looking. I highly recommend everyone try this out on their own work! I think you'll love the outcome.

*** Note from Nataliya:

From the Source:

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