Aquarius Publications & Aqua Digital : Forum : Poetry Book

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Poetry Book

15 Years Ago

I've started previewing poems for the new book. I've been through all those that have been posted to the Group, and am now looking at those on member's profiles. I can assure everyone, however, that nothing will be included in the book without the written consent of the author.   I have also started a contest to find a title poem for the book. Please note that the contest is not to decide on poems that will be included in the book, it is simply to pick a name. The book will be entitled "XXX and Other Poems" where XXX will be the name of the winning poem.   I am also looking for submissions to the book that have not been previously published on WritersCafe. As with the magazine, babels Gate, I have so far been selecting material from the profiles of WritersCafe members. If you have additional work that you would like published, in the book or the magazine, please email it to me. Royalties will be paid for all material published (subject to sales).   Finally, I am also keen to include photographic images in the book. If you are a keen photographer as well as a writer and would like to see some of your pictures published, please let me know. Royalties will also be paid for images, although the exact amount has yet to be considered.   Richard Egan Aquarius Publications