Animal Lovers : Forum : Tell me what is your favorite ..

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Tell me what is your favorite animal. :-)

15 Years Ago

Everyone, tell me what is your favorite animal and what would you name him/her. Also make a poem, story, or book about your animal, and if it's good I will post it.
Good luck!   
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Re: Tell me what is your favorite animal. :-)

13 Years Ago

Pandas are great, pandas are fine,
I created this poem in ten seconds time.
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Re: Tell me what is your favorite animal. :-)

11 Years Ago

Skunks are my favorite. If I had a pet skunk, I'd name him Erik. I would make a story for him called "Sick of Living (Or, How to Love a Skunk)", about him going through the trials and tribulations that come with an outcast because he's a skunk.